Graham School “State of the School” Address 0 November 12, 2015
Agenda Welcome/Introduction Objectives CPS- Network - School Vision State of the School Data The Challenges We Face as a School Transition to Breakout Conversations “What we Heard” Wrap-Up/Closure 1 Mr. Nichols, Principal ILT Leaders/Facilitators TopicPresenter 15 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes Time
Objectives for Today: Provide the local school community with an overview of the CPS Vision, Network 6 Vision and Graham School Mission and Vision Provide the local school community with an overview of school-wide CIWP priorities and data to meet challenges moving forward (Accountability Targets etc.) Gather Feedback from the local school community on educational priorities and needs Build local school communities that promote communications among all stakeholders 2
3 CPS Pillars – Network 6 Vision – Alexander Graham School Mission
The Next Generation: Chicago’s Children – Our Framework for Success Englewood - Gresham NetworkEnglewood - Gresham Network 4 WHY WHAT HOW
Network 6 Vision Statement E very student in the Network 6 of the Chicago Public Schools district, w ill be engaged in a rigorous, well rounded instructional program and will graduate prepared for success in college, career and life. 5
Alexander Graham School 6 Every student in every neighborhood will be engaged in a rigorous, well-rounded instructional program and will graduate prepared for success in college, career, and life
7 Alexander Graham School Data
GRAHAM ATTAINMENT NWEA READING 8 YearGraham StudentsNetwork % Students at NWEA Reading at/above the 50 th %tile
9 GRAHAM ATTAINMENT NWEA MATH YearGraham StudentsNetwork % Students at NWEA Mathematics at/above the 50 th %tile
10 GRAHAM NWEA GROWTH TARGETS READING YearGraham StudentsNetwork Percentage of Students meeting/exceeding NWEA Reading target goals
11 GRAHAM NWEA GROWTH TARGETS MATH YearGraham StudentsNetwork Percentage of Students meeting/exceeding NWEA Math target goals
Early Literacy TRC/Dibels Percentage of Students at Benchmark 12
Graham School Student Attendance Important Metrics (11/12/2015) District Average (11/12/2015) Student Attendance 93.7%94.0%95.7%95.0% 13
14 The Challenges We Face at Graham School
CIWP key priorities 15 Priority #1 Priority #2Priority #3 Student achievement is a first priority by using student data to set growth targets and plan for instruction. Collaborate staff, parents and other community representatives to increase our student attendance Establish an individual student plan that includes: Instruction, wraparound services, and other student needs
Alexander Graham School Programs, Initiatives, and Challenges 16 Programs and Initiatives Ready to Learn! School and Community Partners program Music Program Bilingual Program Healthy Schools Approved Algebra program Erickson New Schools (Literacy Pre-K-3 rd ) Math For All (4 th & 5 th ) Science on the Go! New Textbook- Go Math! (K-8) Wells Fargo Partnership Raz-Kids ST Math Study Island Think Cerca Challenges Student growth in grade 3-6 Student and Parent Supports Lack of science lab Student attendance Lack of funding
17 Transition to Input and Feedback
Possible Conversation Starters for Parent Community Feedback 18 Did the data that was presented reflect a high quality school? What defines a high quality school? What is most important to you about your school? What is your school missing that you wish it had? What are the biggest concerns you have? What data metrics do you still need support in understanding? How did your school contribute to the overall network data in Reading? Why do you believe this happened? What can we do differently this school year?