Knowledge Interpersonal Skills Technical Skills Teacher will observe each others fluency program set Up for struggling readers and discuss what is being Done differently, the same, what they liked and what They may want to try. Since I am the leader for the read naturally program, I Will need to prepare for our monthly team meeting by Preparing before hand how much of a leader the team Will need based on outline of topics to cover. Nondirective Approach. I will also create a survey at the end of the Year for the team to evaluate me so I can reflect on my role As a facilitator. Research has already been conducted by the fifth grade team by looking At fluency difficulties and test scores. Students who lack reading fluency Have lower test scores most likely due to difficulty comprehending. We are moving into the plan stage of what can be tried to increase Students fluency and comprehension. Through the upcoming year The team will implement Read Naturally and other fluency activities, Assess if fluency and comprehension increased, decreased or stayed The same in test scores and evaluate program to see if it should be Continued another year and also if 4 th grade would like to join.
SuperVision As Developmental
A.Direct Assistance Through peer coaching and observations by team leader, Each member will provide feedback on what they See good happening and any other suggestions. B. Group Development All members of this team are willing to try the Read Naturally program so I plan to take a personal role As a encourager and a task role of information giver. C. Professional Development This is a collegial support group. With all the old and new Information about fluency and its effects on comprehension, The team conducted research and.found a source in the The resource teacher who has a fluency program and the Training to help them carry out their plans. D.Curriculum Development This team has decided that fluency is important to teach This year to find out if it can increase comprehension And improve test scores. Fluency ties in with state standards and Would not take or replace anything that has already been Started. Instead of silent reading time, an emphases will be Fluency time. Struggling readers will do a more intense time of R.N Another group could re-read books or do readers theater and another group who may not need fluency could do a book club.
E. Action Research Phase 1: Fluency and its ties to comprehension. Phase 2: See attached survey for final project and data Collected with students fluency scores and NWEA Scores. Phase 3: Action plan has been designed: Final project For class. Titled Fluency and Comprehension Phase 4: Action plan will be carried out with fifth grade team For the school year. Phase 5: At the end of the school year, the team will Analyze data that has been collected to see if… 1.Fluency increased 2.Comprehension increased 3.NWEA scores increased
Organizational Goals: To provide opportunities for all Students to learn and be successful I In school. Teacher Needs: If goals were met and a increase Was seen, we will see if the 4 th grade team is interested for The school year. Improve Student Learning