The ACE Strategy Week 2: Administer and Evaluate Pre-test Cluster Cycle 2 Goal: By the end of the cycle, 78% of students in grades 3-5 will increase their scores by at least one proficiency level (low, mid, high) in the area of supporting answers with text evidence or will maintain their scores due to teachers demonstrating proficiency in teaching the ACE Strategy.
Let’s Reflect How did your first attempt at improving your “teacher need” growth area go? What might you do next? Partner-Pair-Share
Today’s Cluster Objective: Teachers will prepare to give the pretest and to score each test as high, middle, or low based on established criteria. We will: Determine the need for the ACE strategy. Score sample pre-tests using an answer key. Classify sample pre-tests as high, middle, or low work. Track results on the ACE Tracker and Student Need Sheet.
TAP Rubric Connection Assessment Plans: are aligned with state content standards. have clear measurement criteria. measure student performance in more than three ways (e.g., in the form of a project, experiment, presentation, essay, short answer, or multiple choice test. require extended written tasks. are portfolio-based with clear illustrations of student progress toward state content standards. include descriptions of how assessment results will be used to inform future instruction. Assessment Plans: are aligned with state content standards. have measurement criteria. measure student performance in more than two ways (e.g., in the form of a project, experiment, presentation, essay, short answer, or multiple choice test). require written tasks. include performance checks throughout the school year. Round One Assessment Scores on TAP Rubric (Average by Grade Level): 3 rd : th th Exemplary 3 Proficient
Why are we using ACE? Total:Highest needRunner up Vocabulary 7 43 Comprehension 7 43 Text structures 6 24 Spring NWEA data for 2 nd -4 th grade (now 3 rd -5 th )
3 rd Grade ISTEP Results points students o pts. 1 pt. 2pts. possible Percent of students showing mastery CategoryState AverageCFA Nonfiction8381 Literary Text8583 We are SO close!!
4 th grade ISTEP results CategoryState AverageCFA Nonfiction8279 Literary Text7867 How can we close the gap?
5 th grade ISTEP results CategoryState AverageCFA Nonfiction7775 Literary Text7674 We are SO close!
WhatHowWhy No time limit-Most students will finish the test before 45 min. -Allow students who do not finish to finish when convenient; adhere to IEP accommodations. We want to see their ability to answer this type of questions. Though ISTEP will be timed, we want to see what students can do when time is not a factor. Circulate-Float around the room to observe student progress and to prompt students to maintain focus. Students who tend to zone out are less likely to do so when the teacher is circulating. The teacher can notice which students are not on pace. Do not assistDo not answer questions about what the questions are asking. Students should read all of the test to themselves. Part of the comprehension we are testing is the ability to understand and answer questions. Critical Attributes for Pretest Administration
Critical Attributes for Scoring Student Work WhatHowWhy Score “answers” separately from “explains.” Use the answer key to make sure to score questions where the answer being correct separately from answers where explaining how they know is the goal. We want to be able to identify the particular hang-ups for each student in the class so we can address them. Rank students as HML and record overall level on Student Need Sheet. Use overall (combined A and E) score criteria to label work as HML. We will use this information to target and track student progress and to set student goals. Record Anecdotal Information “Qualitative Data” on Student Need Sheet. -It is ok to make notes on the test about reasons why an answer is correct or incorrect. -When all tests have been scored, record characteristics of HML work on the “Student Need Sheet.” We will use information about the mistakes students are making to make decisions about how to guide our students in strategy use. We will share this information in cluster each week. Record Quantitative Data (scores) on ACE Student Tracker. For each cluster chunk, information about the “answers (a)” and “explanations (e)” will be recorded on the tracker This will help us identify trends and see progress over time.
Scoring the Pretest Take a few minutes to read the passages. Watch how I do the following: Score sample work. Record qualitative and quantitative results on the Student Need Sheet. Record data on the ACE Tracker.
Develop Now you’re going to score some sample student work with a partner and record it on a sample tracker and student need sheet. Then, we will share out to compare our quantitative and qualitative results and discuss issues we noticed when scoring.
Wrap-up Deliver the pre-test to your students (remember critical attributes). Score the pretests using the Student Need Sheet and ACE Tracker. Record qualitative data on Student Need Sheet. Bring to next week’s cluster! Evaluate
One more thing!!! Next week we will learn to create “student work.” For the next cluster only, you will need your “What your __ Grader Needs to Know” book, other planning resources for coming topics in math, social studies, science, or reading, and your lap top.