1 AGS RSVP Review 4-5 November 2004 Upgrade and Operations Cost & Schedule Summary Philip Pile Collider-Accelerator Department 4 Nov 2004
2 Outline RSVP Construction costs - Recap RSVP operations cost oBasis oBeam development costs during RSVP construction period oOperations cost – post-construction Final Comments Upgrade and Operations Cost & Schedule Summary
3 RSVP AGS Project Costs, with indirects 11/2/04 – version 20 TO BE UPDATED
4 AGS/Booster Direct Cost Summary 11/2/04
5 Switchyard Direct Cost Summary 11/2/04
6 K0PI0 Direct Cost Summary 11/2/04
7 MECO Direct Cost Summary 11/2/04
8 General Considerations The costs to operate (as with construction) the RSVP experiments are calculated incremental to the costs of RHIC operations AGS fixed target operations costs are based on past experience with HEP and NP experiments as well as NASA, NNSA and BES experiments This incremental and cost sharing model had been the case at the AGS, for the period of , between HEP and NP during the pre-RHIC and into the RHIC era Operations Cost Basis
9 RSVP Specific Considerations - schedule AGS slow extracted beam (SEB) operations for RSVP will run concurrent with RHIC collider operations when possible Running concurrent with RHIC operations will require base personnel (12 FTE’s plus 4-6 experiment specific FTE’s) support for the AGS fixed target operation Without base support short runs are costed on a per hour basis for personnel and materials and scheduled outside of RHIC operations oSuch runs are considered on a case-by-case basis and are carried out only if the impact on RHIC shutdown work is acceptable During RHIC injection all other machine operations will cease, so as to allow full attention to this process. Operations Cost Basis
10 RSVP Specific Considerations – energy use and materials Power costs are billed on an actual use basis RHIC pp operations covers first 7 MW RHIC HI Operations covers first 5 MW Materials are billed according to previously established average costs M&S, DTS and special procurement for AGS/Experiment concurrent with RHIC operations is charged incremental to RHIC M&S, DTS and special procurement for RSVP operation outside of RHIC operations is fully charged (no RHIC help). Only shift differential (15%), however, is charged for accelerator machine operations staff Operations Cost Basis
11 RSVP Specific Considerations - Personnel Since the RHIC program does not support any manpower for AGS experiments all experimental area manpower support will be billed to the NSF consisting of: a base manpower level that supports the extraction system, switchyard transport, primary proton transport and the primary target area (common to both RSVP experiments) Incremental manpower for each experiment RSVP manpower is matrixed into the Collider-Accelerator Department staff Main control room operations is sufficient to cover SEB operations during RHIC collision operations except for an incremental effort to support the SEB extraction system RSVP support personnel will come from the present C-AD staff together with new hires C-AD RSVP support personnel will retain RHIC responsibilities at a reduced level When a conflict between RHIC and RSVP support arises, RHIC support will win in all cases that could impact RHIC operations Operations Cost Basis
12 RSVP Support Personnel The base manpower estimate is comprised of the following: FTE Physicist1 Engineering (mechanical, electrical)1 Controls0.5 Instrumentation1 Vacuum systems0.5 Magnet systems1.5 Power supplies1.5 Utilities (power, water, AC)2 Extraction systems1 ES&H, QA, Admin, training (org. burden) 0 Shift operations2 Total12 K0PI0 manpower support Physicist, engineering1 RF systems (microbunch)1 Technicians (inst., vacuum, magnet etc.)2 Total4 MECO manpower support Physicist, engineering1 Cryogenic engineering, technicians3 Technicians (insert., vacuum, magnet etc.)2 Total6
13 Beam Development (pre-ops) vs Operations Cost Pre-ops costs for materials support for SEB and experimental areas assumed 50% of cost for full operations Power costs assume C-line used for pre-operations Personnel –Full 12 FTE base required –Reduced level (2 FTE’s instead of 4-6) for experimental areas Indirect Charges –Reduced levels assumed for beam pre-ops phase –Full burdens assumed for operations phase
14 NSF Indirect Charges Pre-OpsOps* Salary40.2%98.2% Consultants17.5%46.5% DTS12.0%38.2% MSTC25.7%56.0% Subcontracts(>$25K)13.7%21.5% Subcontracts (>$600K)15.6%20.8% (only applies to first $600K) * Includes 3% full cost recovery
15 Beam Development Costs (fully burdened)
16 Beam Development Costs
17 Example Pre-operations Cost Beam Development Costs
18 Beam Development Costs – old plan (Jan 04)
19 RSVP Operations Cost
20 RSVP Operations Cost
21 Example Operations Cost RSVP Operations Cost
22 RSVP Operations Cost – an Example
23 Final Comments RSVP operations and construction costs will not be subsidized by RHIC Construction costs, although not yet finalized, are not expected to change significantly Integration of all C-AD work for RSVP into RHIC operations and maintenance is in progress RSVP beam development costs will be revisited once the plan is finalized Additional RSVP operations staff will enhance RHIC operations Ready for a year 2006 (or 2005) construction start