General support to Northern Europe ERI priorities. Urges the Northern Europe RCC to proceed – not only with - Optimizing the use of interconnectors - Transparency.


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Presentation transcript:

General support to Northern Europe ERI priorities. Urges the Northern Europe RCC to proceed – not only with - Optimizing the use of interconnectors - Transparency for market participants but also the additional priorities. However, accepting that work resources is a limiting factor. Urges the Northern Europe RCC to involve stakeholders appropriately during the entire process Draft Chairmens conclusions General

A regional solution with a balanced mix of explicit auctions and implicit auctions/market coupling seems within reach and should be developed – taking into account all experiences. A workshop to be arranged on experiences gathered – when OMC and MMC analysis are available (implementation group responsible?) Cooperation between exchanges necessary Agreement that liquid exchanges is a precondition – increasing confidence and liquidity is an important task Stresses the importance of liquid financial markets for risk management Handling of present ”Merchant interconnectors” to converge with that of other interconnectors – but due to ownership structure and historical operation, a number of additional specific questions must be handled first. Draft Chairmens conclusions Optimizing the use of interconnectors – capacity allocation and congestion management

Stresses the importance of harmonized, appropriate, equal and timely information of all market participants in a region as a precondition for integrating electricity markets Various current initiatives seem to be quite close in contents – but “devil in the detail” must be solved Exchanges and TSOs to cooperate on collection and dissemination of information – Exchange appropriate to be publisher. Draft Chairmens conclusions Transparency for market participants in the Northern Europe whole sale market

Among the 3 secondary priorities common intraday have highest priority. The joint financing of new transmission lines is a crucial question, which TSOs must solve in cooperation – backed by regulators Increased cooperation between regulators and between TSO is necessary concerning all topics Danish and German TSOs to cooperate on integration of major shares of wind energy in order to draft kind of model for other regions. Integration of wind stresses the importance of a well functioning cross border market for regulation power. Draft Chairmens conclusions Other priorities of a road-map - Planning and financing of investments in interconnectors - The need for joint intra-day and balancing markets - Cooperation on integration of major shares of wind energy

Stakeholder Meeting today today 3 ”Implementation groups” to be established and first meetings late summer: - Optimizing use of interconnectors – Swe-Pol and Baltic Cable - Optimizing use of interconnectors – Germany-DK West and Kontek - Transparency for market actors Next RCC 31st August (Florence Forum 7the – 8th September ) Northern Europe Region Process now