TERENA Technical Programme Update TERENA General Assembly Bruges, Belgium 22 May 2008 Christoph Graf TERENA VP Technical Programme
Overview ›TAC update: ›SIAs, “green matters”, “free” services ›Task Forces ›TF-CSIRT, TF-ECS, TF-EMC2, TF-Mobility, TF- Storage ›TERENA Projects: ›Using SIP with NRENhanced Communications Server ›External Projects: ›FEDERICA ›SEEREN2 and NoAH ending 2008 ›Services: ›TACAR, SCACH, SCS, TI Slide 2
TAC Update
Current Special Interest Areas (SIAs) ›Lower Layer Technologies ›Security ›Middleware ›Mobility ›Voice and Video Collaboration ›Grid ›In addition, Campus and End-to-End issue coordination are challenges that have an impact across all SIAs. Slide 4
Proposed new Special Interest Areas (SIAs) ›Lower Layer Technologies (layers 0-4) ›Security ›Middleware ›Mobility ›Voice and Video Collaboration ›Virtualisation ›In addition, Campus and End-to-End issue coordination are challenges that have an impact across all SIAs. Slide 5
Middleware Achievements... ›eduroam ›Well beyond our borders ›RadSec ›Driving industry trends ›TACAR ›First stakes in the Grid camp ›SCS ›Almost universal service ›SCHAC ›Bologna and more ›REFEDS gatherings ›Re-focusing federation interoperation
...And Focus Problems ›Too narrow in TF-Mobility ›Most development work has moved to GN2 ›Need to find new topics to concentrate on ›Too wide in TF-EMC2 ›Lots of topics to discuss in meetings ›Insufficient time for in-depth discussion ›And even more activities wanting consideration
Across the Stack The Network The Application The Middleware ›Bottom layer of the application ›PKI ›Directories and schemas ›{Con-, inter}federation ›Reputation ›Top layer of the network ›Mobility ›Network access ›Endpoint assessment ›Provider integration
“Free services”: Intro ›Thinking of: ›Searching? ›VoIP and video? ›Mail? ›Collaboration? ›Are you now thinking of: ›Google, Skype, Microsoft, Yahoo...? ›Of course you are... ›And even if you aren’t... ›... our customers are
Possible strategies ›Withdraw (make -> buy/outsource): ›Searching/indexing/digitising ›VoIP/video? ›Compete (balanced strengths/weaknesses): ›Mail ›Niche (very community specific strengths): ›AAI (strength: trust framework) ›Collaborate/partnering (complementary strengths and weaknesses): ›PWLAN ›Collaboration services (our asset: AAI)? ›Controlling/enabling/selling access to our community: ›BBC, MSDN AA via AAI, commercial IPTV ›Maybe others...
Questions ›Are we recognising our potential? ›40M end users ›Emerging trust infrastructure eases trusted interaction with our users ›Network monopoly ›Shuldn’t we try to: ›Actively seek partnering/collaboration opportunities with the relevant players ›And if yes, which roles on which layers? ›Campus, NREN, TERENA
Vision (to discuss further, made up after the TAC) ›Let’s build an API enabling relevant third parties to interact with the academic community in Europe: ›Leveraging on our assets: users, network, trust ›Maximising the benefits to our users ›... and keeping us in the loop!
Task-forces, Projects, Services
Slide 19 TF-CSIRT ›THE networking platform for security teams in Europe ›Beyond NRENs (GovCERTs, ISPs) & liaising beyond Europe ›Currently 70+ participants at meetings 3 times/year ›Running period: May 2008 ›Task Force Chair: Gorazd Božič -> Lionel Ferrette ›Task Force Secretary: Kevin Meynell, TERENA ›In the process of being rechartered ›Services: ›Trusted Introducer (TI), TRANSITS courses ›Activities: ›IRT object in RIPE database ›Open-source incident handling system ›Security toolkit training (with GN2 JRA2) ›CSIRT exercises (with ENISA)
Slide 20 TF-ECS ›SIP and friends for voice, IM and presence ›From “SIP rules” to “connecting SIP islands” ›Running period: October September 2008 ›Co-Chairs: Erik Dobbelsteijn, TWIYO, Fabio Vena, SWITCH ›Secretary: Peter Szegedi, TERENA ›Participants: ~10 organisations ›Activities: ›Preconfigured virtual machine (Debian/Vmware) running OpenSER, Asterisk and GNUgk (of potential use within GN2 SA6) ›Working on architecture for trusted peerings (SPIT), plans for test bed & testing
Slide 21 TERENA Project: Manual for NRENhanced Communications Server ›Jumpstarting SIP playground with NREN goodies (nrenum.net, GDS) ›Running period: March October 2008 ›Contractor: Erik Dobbelsteijn, TWIYO ›TERENA contact person: Peter Szegedi ›Activities: ›Input: preconfigured virtual machine (Debian/Vmware) running OpenSER, Asterisk and GNUgk (done) ›Output: manual
TF-EMC2 ›The “middleware kitchen” with lots of food, many pots and many cooks with a common sense for good food ›Running period: October September 2008 ›Chair: Diego Lopez, RedIRIS ›Secretary: Licia Florio, TERENA ›Activity level: HIGH ›Number of participants ›Active members ›Activities/achievements: ›Directories, Schema, PKI, Identity Federations, etc. ›Supporting SCHAC, SCS, TACAR ›Ad-hoc activities such as REFEDS ›Supporting EuroCAMP ›Engage close liaison with the Grid community Slide 22
Service: ›Schema Harmonisation Committee (SCHAC) ›Set-up in Feb 05 to harmonise schemas in the field of high education ›Mainly aimed at inter-institutional data exchange › Last release issued in December 2006 ›defines a set of attributes to describe individuals in the academic and research institutions ›contains also an appropriate LDAP profile in appendix. ›Recent uptake by ›Finland, Italy, Norway, Spain, etc. ›GÉANT2 IdP, perfSONAR ›Australian Access Federation
SCS ????
TF-Mobility ›Roaming technologies, beyond eduroam & eduroam beyond Europe (travelling salesman: TF-Mobility, SA5: paperwork), discussion forum beyond NRENs ›Running period: October September 2008 ›Chair: Klaas Wierenga, Cisco Systems ›Secretary: Licia Florio, TERENA ›Number of participants: ± 20 ›Active members: 15 ›Activities span over: ›eduroam operational issues and deployment -> GN2 ›Network endpoint assessment for roaming ›Sensor networks ›Diagnostics ›Location based services Slide 25
TF-Mobility main achievements ›Supporting eduroam deployments beyond GN2 borders ›Universities, Canada, APAN region ›Establishing liaisons with groups active in network endpoint assessment ›NAC (Network Admission Control) carried out by Cisco ›TNC (Trusted Network Connect) carried out within the Trusted Computing Group (TCG), ›NEA (Network EndPoint Assessment) - IETF ›Providing inputs for GN2/JRA5: ›RadSec ›DAMe Slide 26
Slide 27 TF-Storage ›Investigate storage services / storage as a service in the NREN world ›Running period: February February 2010 ›Task Force Chair: Jan Meijer, UNINETT ›Task Force Secretary: Peter Szegedi, TERENA ›Num. of participants: ~20 organisations (~30-35 people) ›Active participants: ~8-10 organisations ›Activities: ›Now: Sharing information and ideas, building up the community, Poste Restante service development ›Up next: Storage system taxonomy (vocabulary for evaluating storage solutions), AAI
Slide 28 FEDERICA Project ›E-infrastructure for future Internet research ›Network, computing and virtualisation as building blocks (similar to GENI) ›Users: researchers in academia and private environment ›Running period: January June 2010 ›Project manager: Mauro Campanella, GARR ›20 participating organisations ›Kevin Meynell leader of NA2(user community), NA4(dissemination & training) ›Peter Szegedi leader of JRA2(future Internet architecture & end user control) ›Activities: ›‘Early FEDERICA User Requirements’ submitted (NA2) ›Basic FEDERICA principles defined (JRA2) ›Core infrastructure up in Oct 2008 (initially 4 sites)