9/17/041 The International Linear Collider Michael Witherell Presentation to The Funding Agencies for a Linear Collider September 17, 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

9/17/041 The International Linear Collider Michael Witherell Presentation to The Funding Agencies for a Linear Collider September 17, 2004

9/17/042 Report from Beijing Beijing was the site for the biennial International Conference on High Energy Physics, held August At a joint meeting of ICFA and the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) we heard Barry Barish deliver the report of the ITRP. Jonathan Dorfan, chair of ICFA, delivered a report to the conference about this meeting.

9/17/043 International Linear Collider Steering Committee Directors CERNRobert Aymar DESYAlbrecht Wagner FNALMichael WitherellKEKYoji Totsuka SLACJonathan Dorfan LC Steering Group Chairs AsiaWon NamkungEurope Brian Foster N. America(Jonathan Dorfan) Other ChairMaury TignerChina Hesheng Chen Russia Alexander SkrinskyOtherCarlos Garcia Canal Asia Sachio Komamiya Europe David Miller N. AmericaPaul Grannis SecretaryRoy Rubinstein

9/17/044 ICFA and the Linear Collider ICFA has been helping guide international cooperation on the Linear Colider since the mid 1990’s. Major steps: 1995: First ILC TRC Report, under Greg Loew as Chair 1999: ICFA Statement on Linear Collider 2002: ICFA commissioned the second ILC TRC Report, under Greg Loew as Chair 2002: ICFA establishes the International Linear Collider Steering Group (ILCSC) with Maury Tigner as Chair ICFA Report, J. Dorfan, ICHEP 2004

9/17/045 International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP) The next major step towards the realization of a global linear collider is the creation of an internationally-federated design team. The ILCSC is in the midst of establishing such a team A critical prerequisite for starting the work of the global design team is the requirement of a single option for the RF technology to power the main linacs ICFA formed the International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP) to recommend the optimal choice of RF technology ICFA Report, J. Dorfan, ICHEP 2004

9/17/046 International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP) Jean-Eudes Augustin Jonathan Bagger Barry Barish (Chair) Giorgio Bellettini Paul Grannis Norbert Holtkamp George Kalmus Gyung-Soo Lee Akira Masaike Katsunobu Oide Volker Soergel Hirotaka Sugawara Yesterday, the ILCSC and ICFA met to review the ITRP recommendation. ITRP Chair made a presentation accompanied by Yesterday, the ILCSC and ICFA met to review the ITRP recommendation. ITRP Chair made a presentation accompanied by a 2.5 page Executive Summary that encapsulates the recommendation ICFA/ILCSC unanimously endorsed the recommendation ICFA/ILCSC unanimously endorsed the recommendation ICFA Report, J. Dorfan, ICHEP 2004

9/17/047 We Live in Extraordinary Times Just as it did with the LHC in the 1990’s, ICFA has a very strong focus on facilitating the wishes of the worldwide HEP community – in this era of the 2000’s it is to establish a fully international TeV Linear Collider At no time in the history of particle physics has the scientific landscape presented us with such an exciting spectrum of unanswered questions! The LHC will make major discoveries that challenge that agenda, but to engage the fullness of the scientific quest will take discoveries from a companion TeV Linear Collider The stage is now set to proceed forward to realize expeditiously an international design for a TeV linear collider…………. …..ICFA encourages the internatioanl HEP community to unify enthusiastically in support of this exciting mission ICFA Report, J. Dorfan, ICHEP 2004

9/17/048 Events since Beijing All of the laboratories involved in building a linear collider are giving strong support to a joint design effort based on the superconducting technology. –The acceptance of the technology decision by the major institutions of High Energy Physics was immediate and universal. The existing collaborations (NLC, JLC, Tesla) are giving way to the ILC collaboration. The historic first meeting of the new ILC collaboration will be hosted by KEK on November

9/17/049 ILC Workshop at KEK KEK hosts the workshop and is the organizer. –But KEK recognizes that “because the workshop is of global nature” they are acting as agent of the global ILC in hosting the workshop. The charge is to initiate the work for the ILC after the technology choice. The program committee will include three members each from Asia, North America, and EU.

9/17/0410 The International Linear Collider Continued and increased support of the laboratories advancing the ILC effort is necessary for its success. –The four largest laboratories that are heavily involved in the ILC (DESY, KEK, FNAL, and SLAC) will bring in most of the resources and will take leading roles in the effort. –The other large HEP laboratory, CERN, is focusing its effort and attention primarily on the LHC. This is important to all of us in the particle physics community. –The strong contributions of several other laboratories around the world will be critical to the ILC. –For success, all of them must be strongly supported to work on the ILC. –We welcome such initiatives as EuroTeV, which enhance the support for the linear collider.

9/17/0411 To the Funding Agencies We appreciate the support of the worldwide R&D program that has made it possible for us to choose between two successful technologies and proceed to the next step, preparing to build the ILC. We hope that you will be able to give public support to the process that led to the technology decision and to the decision itself. We will need even closer coordination with FALC in the future. –We hope that we can set up a forum for more frequent discussion with you. –We understand the need for each funding agency to see the impact of its investment in the ILC in the context of the global effort.

9/17/0412 Finally The particle physics community is ready to enter a new era of discovery: –LHC and then ILC exploring physics at the TeV energy scale –Worldwide exploration of neutrino mysteries and quark flavor physics –Understanding the nature of dark matter and dark energy The technology decision on the ILC and the international federation of laboratories are important steps toward realizing this future.