Galatians Introduction & Background
Galatians O Date: Either or O Author: Paul
Judaizers – Paul’s Critics O Judaizers were Jewish Christians who believed that a number of Old Testament practices were still binding in the New Testament Church. O They insisted that Gentile converts abide by these practices (ex: circumcision) O They questioned Paul’s authenticity as an Apostle, saying he was trying to make the Gospel more appealing to the Gentiles by removing all legal requirements.
Paul’s Purpose O To respond to Judaizers O To establish his credibility O To establish the theological truth that people are justified by faith in Christ alone—nothing more and nothing less O Sanctification does not come from following laws, but obeying God out of faith and love
Protestant Reformation O 1517, Martin Luther posts his ninety-five theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. This sparked the Protestant Reformation O Martin Luther protested the sale of indulgences O Indulgences – the remission of sin and guilt while on earth or in purgatory O Luther’s rediscovery of the book of Galatians that helped bring about the Reformation. O It is often referred to as “Luther’s Book” because he relied heavily on it.
Carousel Activity 1. Define legalism. Provide 1 example and 1 verse/passage from Galatians. 2. Define spiritual liberty. Provide 1 example and 1 verse/passage from Galatians. 3. Judaizers. What is important to know about them? Write 2-3 statements. 4. Martin Luther. What is important to know about the Protestant Reformation? Write 2-3 statements.