Prostorquer working instructions Transferring prosthetic parts easily and safely with one hand Omplant Ltd.
1 Press OUT to catch each one of the healing caps Omplant Ltd.
2 Press IN one second to load the healing caps orderly into the organizer Omplant Ltd.
3 Locate the abutment holder exactly on abutment shoulder * If you are using other than omplant’s abutment the holder is not useful,so use the driver only to the abutment’s screw. Omplant Ltd.
4 Connect the driver *gently from angled position note: bit is still outside screw hex *match bit length to shoulder height Omplant Ltd.
5 Press IN to let the bit enter into screw hex.Stop with click sound.
6 Press OUT to open the abutment screw Omplant Ltd.
7 Take the abutment “as is” to the implant Omplant Ltd.
8 Press IN only after an abutment is set inside the internal hex, Stop with click sound Omplant Ltd.
check cast /porcelain on abutments,use the same manner 3-8 to transit the abutments back to analogues When finished, disconnect the holder Omplant Ltd.
9 Press OUT to catch the healing caps from the organizer Omplant Ltd.
10 Press IN to connect the healing caps back to implants. Stop with click sound. Omplant Ltd.