Hearing the Voice of God 1 Samuel 3: 1-21 (page 213) How does the Story of God become the Voice of God?
Practical Steps 1. Belong to God.
Practical Steps 1.Belong to God. 2.Stop. Be still.
Practical Steps 1.Belong to God. 2.Stop. Be still. 3.Read the Bible daily.
Practical Steps 1.Belong to God. 2.Stop. Be still. 3.Read the Bible daily. 4. Ask God a question.
Practical Steps 5. Listen for God’s answer in prayer and in His Word.
Practical Steps 5. Listen for God’s answer in prayer and in His Word. 6. Confirm it through godly counsel.
Practical Steps 5. Listen for God’s answer in prayer and in His Word. 6. Confirm it through godly counsel. 7. If God tells you to do something, do it!
Lectio Divina 1. Prepare by quieting yourself. 2. Read the passage slowly. 3. Read it again for the word or phrase that most stirs you. 4. Respond to God with your thoughts and feelings about the meaning that has emerged (e.g., pray, ask for help, write). 5. Rest in God’s embrace.