Music and Art Science Enlightened Rulers Ideas/Voc. Philosophes
Organist who composed Mass in B Minor Who is Bach? Music and Art for 100
Who is Handel? Music and Art for 200 Composed Messiah and other religious works
Child Prodigy and one of his works includes the Marriage of Figaro Who is Mozart? Music and Art for 300
Composed works mainly for the public and not the upper class, composed The Creation & The Seasons Music and Art for 400 Who is Hadyn?
It replaced the Baroque style and it emphasized secularism, grace, gentle, and charm What is Rococo Style? Music and Art for 500 Daily Double
DAILY DOUBLE What is Rococo Style? Music and Art for 500 It replaced the Baroque style and it emphasized secularism, grace, gentle, and charm
Science for 100 Founder of the Geocentric Model or Earth-Centered Who is Ptolemy?
Wrote On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres and founder of the Heliocentric Model or Sun-centered Model Who is Copernicus? Science for 200
Agreed with Copernicus and was found guilty of heresy and disobedience by the Catholic Church? Who is Galileo? Science for 300
Founder of the universal law of gravitation and wrote Principia Who is Isaac Newton? Science for 400
Although there had been great advances in science, she believed that humans were not the masters of nature Science for 500 Who is Margaret Cavendish?
Ruler of Russia who expanded serfdom and their territory (gained 50% of Poland) Who is Catherine the Great of Russia? Enlightened Rulers for 100
Inherited the throne after her father died, helped the serfs conditions (somewhat), but also centralized her government Who is Empress Maria Theresa of Austria? Enlightened Rulers for 200
abolished torture, granted limited freedom of speech & press, greater religious toleration, and tried to invade Austria Who is Frederick the II or Frederick the Great of Prussia? Enlightened Rulers for 300
abolished serfdom, eliminated the death penalty, established equality of all before the law, enacted religious reforms, but most of these reforms failed Who is Joseph the II of Austria? Enlightened Rulers for 400
What is enlightened absolutism? Enlightened Rulers for 500 a system in which rulers tried to govern by Enlightenment principles while maintaining their full royal powers
This was an elegant drawing room where people meet to discuss the new ideas of the philosophes. What are salons? Ideas/Voc. for 100
What three areas of the world was the Seven Years’ War fought? Where are Europe, India and North America? Ideas/Voc. for 200
What was the name of that treaty that recognized the American colonies & gave control of the western territory from the Appalachians to the Mississippi River What is The Treaty of Paris 1783? Ideas/Voc. for 300
What is the name of the idea that God lets the universe run by its own laws? What is deism? Ideas/Voc. for 400
Egg-shaped orbits are also known as? What are elliptical? Ideas/Voc. for 500
Believed that we are born with a blank slate or “tabula rasa” and author of Essay Concerning Human Understanding and the Two Treatises of Government Who is John Locke? Philosophes for 100
“I think, therefore I am” and founder of rationalism- a system of thought based on the belief that reason is the chief source of knowledge Who is Rene Descartes? Philosophes for 200
Believed that there was three types of government (republics, despotism, monarchies), three branches to government (executive, legislative, judicial), and that government should also have a separation of powers. Who is Montesquieu? Philosophes for 300
Who is Adam Smith? Philosophes for 400 Wrote The Wealth of Nations and founder of laissez-faire –”to let do”
Believed that God (clockmaker) made the universe (clock) and the rules, does not interfere in worldly affairs Philosophes for 500 Who is Voltaire?
FINAL JEOPARDY Use any of the people listed on your notes Explain their significance during their time period Explain their significance in our time period In a short essay (5-7 sentences for each paragraph), describe the lasting impacts or ideas of the Enlightenment Period?