Вложенные циклы Применение. program matrix; uses crt; var x,y,y1:integer; symbol:char; BEGIN clrscr; randomize; repeat y:=random(48)+1; x:=random(80)+1.


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Presentation transcript:

Вложенные циклы Применение

program matrix; uses crt; var x,y,y1:integer; symbol:char; BEGIN clrscr; randomize; repeat y:=random(48)+1; x:=random(80)+1 y:=1; symbol:=char(random(26)+65); textcolor(2) ; repeat GoToXY(x,y);write(symbol);delay (2000); y:=y+1; until y>=y1; delay(3000); until keypressed; END. Y HJ KU ML M KJ NBHGYU I PPI YN D C V G B JM J KJML KIOIIN II JBHTO O G T O G R Q h U O P Q E A E R T P A S D F G U H J K L Z X C V B N M U D D G J H GA D Q FH GIEOPFJ BHB KJOIWK D MNHRID V NFV K F K

Program matrix; Uses crt; Var x,y:integer; symvol:char; BEGIN clrscr; randomize; Repeat y:=random(48)+1; x:=random(80)+1; symvol:=char(random(26)+65); textcolor(2) ; GoToXY(x,y);write(symvol);delay(2000); Until keypressed; END.

Program matrix; Uses crt; Var x,y:integer; symvol:char; BEGIN clrscr; randomize; Repeat y:=random(48)+1; x:=random(80)+1; symvol:=char(random(26)+65); textcolor(2) ; Repeat GoToXY(x,y);write(symvol);delay(2000); Until keypressed; END. y1:=random(48)+1; Var x,y,y1:integer; y:=y+1; Until y>=y1; y:=1; x:=random(80)+1


Program matrix; Uses crt; Var x,y,y1:integer; symvol:char; BEGIN clrscr; randomize; Repeat y1:=random(48)+1; x:=random(80)+1; y:=1; symvol:=char(random(26)+65); textcolor(2) ; Repeat GoToXY(x,y);write(symvol);delay(2000); y:=y+1; Until y>=y1; Until keypressed; END. (10)+48) textcolor(random(15)+1); textcolor (0); delay (30000);

Program matrix; Uses crt; Var x,y,y1:integer; symvol:char; BEGIN clrscr; randomize; Repeat y1:=random(48)+1; x:=random(80)+1; y:=1; symvol:=char(random(26)+65); Repeat textcolor(random(15)+1) ; GoToXY(x,y);write(symvol);delay(2000); textcolor(0) ; GoToXY(x,y);write(symvol);delay(2000); y:=y+1; Until y>=y1; Until keypressed; END.