Different Systems in Powering a Car
Iginition System Batteries Primary Cable Ignition Coil Coil High Tension Cables Distributor Spark Plug Cables Spark Plug Alternator
Types of Ignition System Breaker Ignition Electronic Ignition Electronic Ignition Doesn’t need contact pts Triggering occurs thru electronic modules Direct Ignition Supplies voltage directly to spark plug Direct Ignition
Starting System Starting Cables Batteries Starter Motor Flywheel Switch
Two Actions During Starting Pinion of Starter motor meshes with flywheel; and Starter motor operates to start the engine Starter motor Provides high turning effort at low speeds Starter cables are thickest b/c it must provide high magnitude of current to turn the crank of an idle engine
Cooling System A fraction of heat is converted to work The rest must be removed to prevent engine parts from seizing Types of Cooling Liquid Air
Types of Cooling System Liquid cooling uses coolant (chemical Mixed with water) Flows thru passages of the engine (water jackets) and thru radiator and pump Pump Connected in front of the engine and turned by belt connected to crank shaft and uses centrifugal force to drive water out Air Cooling For small IC engines Uses fins with Surface area as large as possible Liquid Cooling Water Jackets Air Cooling
Carburetor System Old System Blends Air and Fuel Works on Bernoulli’s Principle Two Types Fixed Venturi Variable Venturi The speed of air and pressure determines the amount of air drawn in the engine VV types prove to have a problem
Throttle valve connected to accelerator