“Worry is the sand in the machinery of life.” --E. S. Jones
1. Observe God’s care in all creation (v ) The doctrine of divine providence is in view Providence means God cares for and watches over His creation 1 Peter 5.7 “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”
2.Give to God what you cannot control (v.27) You must recognize the limitations of worry Lessons of worry: a. Worry is an exercise in futility b. Worry is a luxury no one can afford. c. Worry is contrary to the Christian life of faith
3.Focus your faith on the eternal (v.32-33) The pagan lifestyle is consumed with the material Seek first the kingdom of God v.34 “…don’t worry about tomorrow, each day has enough trouble of its own”
The past is gone and the future is not yet here, so live fully in this day God has given you and trust your future to God.