Mrs. Kubera’s Third Grade Curriculum Night
My Philosophy Learning should be fun – when at all possible. Enthusiasm for learning Build understanding through doing Differentiation – developmental level, process or product.
Mission The mission of Mrs. Kubera’s 3 rd Grade class is to learn the 3 rd Grade curriculum so we can go to 4 th Grade. We will try our best to learn and have fun while treating others the way we want to be treated.
Expectations Independent and responsible individuals NC Standard Course of Study Gateway year Closing the gap
Essential Curriculum Brochure given at Open House
Assessment Cycles One Baseline Assessment 2 Predictive Assessments A common formative assessment (CFA) between the Predictive Assessments Math Pre-tests for individual units Quizzes End of Unit Math tests Reading and Spelling tests EOG
Math Using math pre-tests for individual units allows me to adjust for learning differences. (Remediation, Skill Practice, and Enrichment.) Hawks time Scaffolding on math tests; retest or redo Accelerated Math
Reading Scott Foresman Reading Street – Weekly reading selections with skill and comprehension tests Daily 5 & CAFÉ are 2 new reading programs that 4 of us are piloting this year. CAFÉ is a classification system for reading strategies that aids students, in collaboration with the teacher, to identify areas of weakness and set goals to strengthen these weaknesses. (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding Vocabulary) Daily 5 is a process that increases literacy independence and identifies relevant, research-based literacy activities students utilize while allowing me to focus instruction in objective based groups. Accelerated Reader Reading Logs
Homework Policy Homework Contract – online On time (before the completion of announcements on day due) Late - after announcements and the following day. Should still be completed even if late. Responsibility vs. accuracy Returning to school for work Parent involvement in student work
ISS Grading Scale A = B = 85 – 92 C = 77 – 84 D = 70 – 76 F = 69 and below 69 is the lowest grade I give unless the assignment is not turned in at all. A zero will then be given. Please discuss your expectations with your child; letter vs. number. Grades and averaging are new concepts.
21 st Century Learners Goal: To teach and prepare our children to utilize technology in a competitive global society. Accelerated Reader / Math Blogs Websites to build background for weekly stories Multiplication fact practice online Newsletter online Vocabulary & spelling on web page Parent & student resources on web page Tutorials for math on web page Video taping for presentations and projects PowerPoint presentations; mine & theirs
Communication Handwritten notes Transportation changes Absences (now available online as well) Planner Newsletter (online) Weekly Folders Phone through school Conferences Definitely at the end of 1 st & 3 rd quarters Whenever progress does not meet expectations Web page
Absences It is very difficult to make up missed instruction time especially if your child struggles with any particular subject. 10 tardies = 1 full absence Excused absences are outlined in the Student Handbook.