WHAT MAKES A BUSINESS SUCCESSFUL? Strong Customer Base Profits Competitive Advantage Market Share Reliable Vendor Relationships EMPLOYEES!!!!!
CORPORATE RESOURCES Corporate Resources HumanNaturalCapital
WHAT IS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM)? The set of managerial activities that develop and keep a qualified workforce.
IN OTHER WORDS… HRM – is the management of a company’s employees.
HRM IN THE ELECTRONIC AGE Technology has not drastically affected how employees are managed, but has affected how employee management systems are delivered.
GOALS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT HR Functions Help Company Compete Follow legal and social commitments Improve productivity and quality Help the employee grow and develop in skill
FUNCTIONS OF HRM Strategic Management Staffing & Selection Training & Development Health, Safety, & Security Employee Labor Relations Compensation & Benefits Function of HRM Poster 1. In groups of 3-4, create a poster highlighting one function of HRM. 2. Research the responsibilities, daily tasks / duties, job with salaries in that area. Information can be found on 3. Make your poster as attractive as possible. They will be displayed in the classroom/hall.