Best Practices for Managing Credentialing & Certification in Federal Agencies April 9th, 2015 ICF International, 1725 I Street, NW, Washington DC Teleconference: or ; ID #; no leader PIN required. ACT-IAC is a non-profit organization. In order to best support our mission, we respectfully request that you use the first conference # listed if possible. HUMAN CAPITAL SHARED INTEREST GROUP (HC SIG) The ACT-IAC Human Capital Shared Interest Group (SIG) is pleased to welcome you to this public panel discussion, one of several such events we host throughout the year. The American Council for Technology (ACT) is a membership-driven nonprofit government organization that leads the government IT community to improve government – ACT seeks more government members like you to join us! ACT facilitates and encourages education, communication and collaboration across all levels of government. In 1989, ACT created the Industry Advisory Council (IAC) to foster improved communications and understanding between government and industry. Today, ACT reaches as many as 50,000 government IT professionals and has over 450 member IT companies in its Industry Advisory Council. IAC works through several Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) and Working Groups (WGs). IAC Human Capital SIG Background: The mission of the Human Capital SIG is to bring industry and government executives together to exchange information, support professional development, improve communications and understanding, solve issues and build partnership and trust, thereby enhancing government's ability to serve the nation's citizenry. IAC’s Human Capital SIG’s ongoing activities are focused on: Research Best Practices Future Trends Improving Performance Please join us in the ACT-IAC HC SIG. We welcome participation from IAC member companies and government officials. For additional information on the HC SIG, please contact Bob Clarke, Communications Chair – or visit the ACT-IAC website HC SIG Contacts SIG Industry Chair - Bill Fischer - (703) SIG Government Chair – Mika Cross – (202) SIG Vice Chair – Lisa Taylor - - (202) Program Chair – Debbie Brown - – (301) Communications Chair - Bob Clarke – – (703) ACT-IAC Program Support Specialist – Robert Wright – (703) ext. 226 About the IAC Human Capital SIG
Agenda 1)Welcome and Introductions – Lisa Taylor, HC SIG Vice Chair 2) Updates from HC SIG Leadership 3) Updates on SIG programs – Debbie Brown 4) Panel Discussion – Best Practices for Managing Credentialing & Certification in Federal Agencies Session Description In today’s hypercompetitive business world, there are numerous reasons why HR certification matters. Today’s human resources professionals still perform traditional tasks like Employment screening and answering benefits questions, but they are also pivotal in high-level planning with responsibilities like consulting with top executives to chart strategic direction and shaping key policies. The two main types of professional HR certification are the Professional in Human Resources (PHR ®) and the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR ®). The basic differences between the two designations are the amount of relevant work experience and level of training. HR Certifications serve as a visible acknowledgement of demonstrated mastery of core HR principles and skills essential to the best practice of HR. Session Participants Dr. Jeff Pon, Chief Human Resources and Strategy Officer, Society for Human Resource Management Dr. Pon has over 20 years of experience in leading organizations and transforming talent management in the private and public sectors. He has co-authored and developed national Human Resource standards with the Corporate Leadership Council, the National Academy of Public Administration, and Booz Allen Hamilton. He is experienced in driving full-scale organizational change assignments in challenging domestic and international settings. He has successfully managed large-scale projects requiring cost- effective and innovative solutions to support startup, consolidation, downsizing, and reengineering efforts in both emerging and mature markets. Jeff has demonstrated leadership expertise on strategic and operational issues in a variety of industrial settings. He served as a member of the Senior Executive Service for six years. Anita Blair, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources & Chief Human Capital Officer, US Department of the Treasury Anita Blair is Treasury’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Chief Human Capital Officer (DASHR-CHCO). She is responsible for Department-wide policy and oversight in all areas of human capital management, including human resources, equal opportunity, and learning and development. She joined the Treasury Department in March 2011, coming from the Department of Defense. She served in the Department of the Navy for eight years as deputy assistant secretary for Total Force Transformation and later Acting Assistant Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs. Before entering the federal government, she practiced corporate law and constitutional law for about twenty years. She earned her law degree from the University of Virginia, and her undergraduate degree in Classical Greek from the University of Michigan. Dr. Elizabeth B. Kolmstetter, Chief Human Capital Officer for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) In this role she has broad responsibility for strategic human capital management and is responsible for developing and implementing innovative and transformational human resource policies, procedures, and programs that serve all staff including foreign service and civil service. Prior to joining USAID in March 2013, Dr. Kolmstetter was Deputy Director for Corporate Human Resources Programs at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). She was on a Joint Duty assignment to the CIA from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) where she served as the Deputy Associate Director of National Intelligence for Human Capital from 2007 to Dr. Kolmstetter is an Industrial and Organizational (IO) Psychologist and member of the Senior Executive Service. In May 2010, the Director of National Intelligence awarded the National Intelligence Superior Service Medal to Dr. Kolmstetter in recognition of her leadership, contributions, and service. The ACT-IAC Human Capital SIG SIG Meetings 2nd Thursday monthly Gvt./Industry HCM speakers HC Topical Roundtables Current Human Capital SIG Projects Big Data Analytics for Talent Management, Industry Best Practices Employee Engagement Providing SME instructors to CIO Council IT Workforce Committee IT Symposium 2015 Upcoming HC SIG Events May 14 - Panel discussion on On-Boarding Best Practices in Federal Agencies - and the impact that has on performance, morale, retention etc. June 11 – Panel discussion on Brand Promise Fulfilling the “Brand Promise” of an organization: How might we clarify expectations and ensure that employees get to do what they thought they were signing up to do? What role does HR expertise play in improving job opportunity announcements and assessments/realistic job previews for “fit” as well as organizational development expertise to redesign reporting/management structures.