A MIN M OHAMED Concierge
My job is Concierge
W HAT ARE THE DAILY D UTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF C ONCIERGE ? Performing for people or dealing directly with the public. This includes serving customers in restaurants and stores, and receiving clients or guests. Getting Information -- Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant source Communicating with Persons
W HAT IS THE STARTING S ALARY RANGE ? The average yearly salary for Concierge is $22,950. If you are just beginning to work as a Concierge, you could expect a starting pay of $18,900. As is true for most careers, you can expect your payrate to increase the longer you are employed. You could make an income of around $27,000 after some time.
W HAT ARE THE E MPLOYMENT PROSPECTS / JOB OUTLOOK ? A hotel concierge helps guests with requests such as transportation arrangements, restaurant reservations and sight-seeing recommendations. Individuals interested in a career as a hotel concierge do not typically have to pursue formal education. However, a certificate or degree in hotel and hospitality management can better the career prospects of an aspiring concierge or lead to related positions, like those of hospitality coordinators or event planners.
W HAT TYPE OF E DUCATION AND TRAINING IS NEEDED TO GET INTO YOUR CAREER ? As a service worker, the education needed to become a concierge is minimal. According to O*Net Online, a high school diploma is typically all that is needed ( ). Many hotels provide in-house training, but you may need prior experience to land a job at the prestigious places. Taking college courses or obtaining a degree in an area such as hotel management may also be helpful, but won't guarantee employment.