Abstract Introduction Conventional Current Limit Strategy DC-Link Current Sampling Scheme Simulation And Experiment Conclusion References
once the capacitance is reduced, reversal dc- link current will lead to excessive voltage rise in the dc link when conventional current limit strategy is used. Then, an improved current sampling scheme is presented to replace the cycle-by-cycle mode, which induces failure of current limiting after the elimination of reversal current
Stable dc link is of great importance for the smooth operation of brushless dc motor (BLDCM) drives. In order to suppress the fluctuation in dc- link voltage, a conventional method is to equip the dc link with sufficient capacitance, which acts as an energy buffer between the three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) and dc supply.
an integrated current limit strategy involves 4 aspects: current sensing recognizing over current event turn off logic re-enable action after the vanishing of over current
In order to avoid excessive pumping up in dc-link voltage, the traditional all-turn-off current limit logic is replaced by half-turn-off logic,which can eliminate the reversal dc-link current. half-turn-off logic presented in this paper is effective for the elimination of reversal dc- link current during current limiting.
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