International Environmental Policy
Why are international environmental policies necessary? Many environmental issues involve more than one nation (transboundary problems) Polluted rivers cross boundaries Wind carries air pollutants worldwide Migrating animals cross boundaries, over-hunting or over-fishing affects food supplies Multinational corporations operate outside of national laws Climate change affects all nations
International Environmental Treaties Antarctic Treaty (1959): Antarctica may only be used for scientific research CITES (1975) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species: prohibits the hunting and selling of endangered species or their products Kyoto Protocol (1997): first international treaty to reduce carbon emissions The US refused to sign
International Organizations - influence behavior by providing funding or directing media attention United Nations – promotes sustainable development European Union – enacts laws enforced in all member nations World Wildlife Fund – funds international wildlife conservation
White Board Response: Give 2 reasons international environmental policies are needed. What does CITES stand for? How do international organizations influence policy?
What was the first treaty to limit carbon emissions? How does the UN affect environmental policy? What is the only lawful use of Antarctica? What is the mission of the World Wildlife Fund?