Welcome Second Meeting of the Advisory Committee CAS Physics in Physics of Nano-Materials and Complex Systems 26 th March 2009
The First Advisory Committee met on 22 nd April The minutes were circulated to all members No comments received.
Financial Sanctions Non Recurring Equipment Grant of Rs Lakhs Major Equipments Low Temp Cryostat (8 ), RF Sputtering upgradation (10), Impedance Analyzer (10) plus other smaller equipments. All are working and being used. Some output was presented by colleagues yesterday. Recurring for 5 years lakhs plus 3 project Fellows (Main highlight here is Website development for course material… presented by AKK,yesteray)
The support received from UGC by the virtue of being CAS Department A.Infrastructure grant of Rs 30 lakhs during All has been utilized and UC will be sent soon. Next installment of Rs 30 lakhs for next year will then be released. The details to be presented by Prof B Bambah B. 10 UGC Research Fellowships for Meritorious students for CAS Departments in and another 5 in were sanctioned. All the 15 have been appointed. Selection Committee with external members was constituted by VC
The school organized one International Conference (on Meta Materials, during Dec 2008) and one National Workshop on Cryogenics and Low Temperature Physics (20-21 March 2009). Of these, the later was entirely and exclusively supported by CAS funds for workshops and conferences. The former did not require any support from CAS since DST funded it entirely. The school also organized a refresher course for college teachers under the Academic Staff College.
The Proceedings of International conference (IBA 2007) organized in the earlier year, Sept 2007, have been published and distributed to all the participants. A copy is on the Table. The proceedings of the second International workshop organized under CAS (i.e. IWPBS during Dec 2007) are also under process of publication.
CAS Visitors (In addition to Visitors of the Two Conferences) T R Govindarajan Chennai A M Siddiqui Jamia Milia Delhi D S Joag Pune K S Gupta Kolkata Rajendran Raja Fermi Lab USA Lech Nowicki (jointly with TPSC) Warsaw S Ashok Penn State USA Manas Mukherjee IACS Kolkta B Prabhakar UC SD USA Michele Leduc ENS Paris Hilda Cerdeira Sao Paolo Brazil and Visitors on committees, TVR, BMA : AC Kunwar/KM
Support to Faculty for National Conferences M G Krishna Delhi/Simla E Harikumar BHU Surjit Dhara BHU AP Pathak Mumbai
Academic : Publications: over 145 publications during last one year (including those submitted and in press) in refereed Journals and about 70 in conference proceedings. Fellows of all the three Indian Academies Institute of Physics London (UK) DST PAC members ( Materials Science and Cond Matter Phys, Laser and Atomic Physics ) UGC Subject Panel Membership Memberships of International Committees of Prestigious International Conferences and other bodies
Editorial Work: Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids ( T & F UK) (Associate Editorship) Editorial Board memberships: European Physical Journal ( Applied Physics) Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, Elsevier Pramana, Int. Journal of Modern Physics B, Modern Physics Letters B, Research Letters in Physics, J. Magnetism, Hindawi Publishers. Open Condensed Matter Physics, Applied Phys. Bentham Publishers……
Faculty Visits to Well Known Centers of Research Cambridge, Oxford, ICTP Trieste, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Trento, Oklahoma State University, National University of Singapore, Institute of Electronic Materials Technology(ITME) Warsaw, INFN Frascati etc Several faculty members have visited prestigious Institutes in many developing countries, both for short and longer periods ; like Turkey Some Students also visited ICTP, Padova, Trento, and other Institutes like Majorana Centre, Erice for conferences
Major Inputs (Incentives) required to Excel Further Convert Project Fellows to PDF/RA >International Travel : Major International Conf. At least once in two years, For 31 Faculty it works out to be about 15 lakhs per year. >Maintenance money for the equipments bought ….. about 5 lakhs per year >The novel programme of Website development More inputs to sustain it, About 2.5 lakhs p a Consumables ->to about 3 lakhs/pa for Helium Plus some other minor additions listed in the report.
Thank You