Living and Working in Space Cool Pictures Important Terms Space Stations (Russian / US / Int’l) Living in Space Spacesuits Review
Important Terms Space Station Alpha Mir Salyut Skylab Spacelab
Ch 1 - Review 1 Whose scientific law says that each planet’s orbit is an ellipse with the Sun at the focus: A. Kepler B. Copernicus C. Ptolemy D. Newton
Ch 1 - Review 2 Which sub-system of a satellite provides a boost to get the satellite in orbit? A. Structure B. Propulsion C. Attitude Control D. Command and Control
Ch 1 - Review 3 Which of the following is a part of a satellite system? A. People B. Space environment C. Sub-systems D. All of the above
Ch 2 - Review 1 Which project was involved in the American and Soviet linkup in space? A. Skylab B. Gemini C. Mercury D. Apollo-Soyuz
Ch 2 - Review 2 Who was the first man to set foot on the Moon? A. Chuck Yeager B. Alan Shepard C. John Glenn D. Neil Armstrong
Ch 2 - Review 3 The first commercial satellite was called? A. Tiros B. Explorer C. Telstar D. Navstar
Salyut I The first space station Launched by Russia in 1971 Astronauts stayed on board for 3 weeks at a time Salyut I stayed in space for 6 months Cosmonauts stayed on Salyut VII for a record 234 days
Mir Largest and longest lasting space station In 1987, a Russian cosmonaut stayed in space for almost a year
Skylab First US space station Launched in 1973 – 2 years after the first Russian space station Demonstrated, for the US, that people could live and work in space
Spacelab Module in the cargo bay of the shuttle Major endeavor by European Space Agency