1 Why is a debit card like using cash? (121)
2 When you move out of your parents house into your own home, what costs do you expect? (122)
3 What are the advantages of having a shorter term loan on a house? (123)
4 What are some differences between apartment living and house living? (125)
5 What are something's you can expect to be on a lease agreement? Do you think it is different between a college town and a regular town? (128)
6 Why do you think so many people are involved in the home buying process? (135)
7 What are some options you have when deciding to purchase a house? (137)
8 When you tour a home for sale how do you expect it to look? What are something's you may look for? (138)
9 What are some differences between selling your house with an agent and FSBO?
10 What is the difference between a fixed and variable interest rate?
11 What happens if you foreclose on a house or claim bankruptcy?
12 What is the first thing you need to do before going to look for a house to buy?
13 After you purchase a home, how many years should you stay in that home? (147)