Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Microsoft ® Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Training for IT Professionals Module – Computer Imaging System
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Solution Accelerator for BDD
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Agenda Image specifications and requirements Imaging planning Building the imaging system Configuring the imaging system Imaging operations and maintenance
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Computer Imaging System Supports Active Directory (AD) and non-AD environments Builds imaging server Builds mastering and deployment CDs Customizes images -Installs Line of Business (LOB) apps -Supplemental drivers
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Planning Functional specifications for clients Management requirements for maintaining the images (base lining, updating and distribution) Different hardware types (ACPI, NON-ACPI)
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Image and Applications Planning Plan how to image for different desktop profiles with different application needs Determine common productivity applications (Office 2003) Consider application update requirements (security updates, feature upgrades, etc.) Is their application deployment infrastructure in place? Image size considerations Reduce the number of images to keep it manageable
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Global Desktop Hardware & OSApplications in ImageCore Applications Sales Applications Finance Applications HR Applications Development Applications One Off Application
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Global Desktop Image -- Same OS / Same HAL HW / OS OfficeSMSAntiVirus 3270 Em HR AppFlashAcrobat CRM Visio Sales Ap CRM Billing Finance Web App Head Trax SAP V Studio Raid Project HW / OS Apps in Image Core Apps Supp Apps 1 Off Apps One Off
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Client Build Requirements Hardware Requirements -CPU -RAM -NIC -Modem -CD\DVD -HAL -Disk Controller -Video Controller -Audio
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Client Build Requirements Software Requirements -Disk configuration -Security settings -Profile settings -Network Settings -Display settings -Regional Settings -System Properties -Windows Features -Internet Settings -Services Settings -Windows Service Pack and Hotfixes Client Build Template Woodgrove BDDv2 Client Build Requirements.doc
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Typical Image Counts by OS Operating SystemQuantity Windows NT20 – 40 Windows Windows XP1 - 3 How many images are needed for each version of the Standard Desktop?
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment HAL Compatibility and Sysprep Windows XP SP2 provides some key advantages! In the most diverse hardware environments, you typically only need less than 3 versions of the image. 1. APIC ACPI, Uni or MultiProc computers 2. APIC non-ACPI, Uni or MultiProc computers 3. PIC computers SysPrep handles Uni and Multi-Processor HAL differences!SysPrep handles Uni and Multi-Processor HAL differences! SysPrep handles the PnP device differences!SysPrep handles the PnP device differences! Sysprep OEMPnPDriversPath lengths: Windows 2000 = 1023 only but Windows XP = 4096!
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Building the Imaging System Imaging infrastructure Build server preparation Installing the computer imaging system
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Imaging System Infrastructure Windows Domain DHCP services DNS services WINS services A build server Remote Installation Server Optional Imaging Tools if non-SMS environment Reference Workstations CD burner Internet Access (for downloading latest patches and drivers) Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 Media Windows XP Professional Tablet PC Edition media Microsoft Office® 2003 Media Office 2003 Service Pack 1 Media Windows PE 2004 Media BDDv2 Media Additional Applications media Hardware-specific software
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Preparing the Build Server The installation drive Local administrator password Domain name Domain name\username to use to join computers to the domain Domain name\username to access the unattend share Enter RIS servername\sharename Domain name\username to access the RIS share Company Full name Organization name Windows XP Professional license key Windows XP Professional Tablet Edition license key The license key prompts accept either clear text or encrypted keys
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Installing the Computer Imaging System Config.hta from BDD SA Imaging System can be a server, workstation or a laptop Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP or Windows 2000 (Professional or Server) Share the “Computer Imaging System” under BDD directory as \\Unattended
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Folder Structure for Build Server FolderDescription ApplicationsApplications for the enterprise image are stored here. Applications\MBSA1.2Files to install Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 1.2 application. Applications\MUIInstOptional—Top-level folder for Multilingual User Interface (MUI) application. Applications\Office2003Office 2003 files and transforms. Applications\Office2003MUIOffice 2003 MUI files. Applications\SMS2003ClientMicrosoft Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 advanced client installation files. Applications\SystemUpdatesSystem updates and security fixes that should be applied to the image prior to Sysprep. Boot disksTop-level folder to hold boot disk files. Boot disks\WINPETop-level folder for Windows PE customization files. ControlThis folder contains the batch files for starting the build process, Master $OEM$Top-level folder for the $OEM$ folder structure. Master $OEM$\$OEM$The root of $OEM$ that is copied to the workstation as part of the build process. Master $OEM$\$OEM$\$1The contents of this folder will get copied to the root of the system drive (C:\) during Windows setup. SourceContains each Windows installation source directory, as well as the Windows PE CD source files. Source\WinPE15Contains the Windows PE 2004 CD source files. Source\XPPro\SP1Contains the slipstreamed Windows XP Service Pack 1 media. Source\XPPro\SP2Contains the slipstreamed Windows XP Service Pack 2 media. TemplatesTemplate files used by the computer imaging system configuration application.
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Installing the Windows Media For Windows XP Service Pack 2 -Copy the entire contents of the slipstreamed Windows XP with Service Pack 2 CD into the Unattend\XPPro\SP2 folder For Windows XP Tablet Edition Service Pack 2 -Copy the contents of the Windows XP Tablet Edition with Service Pack 2 CD number 2 (CMPNENTS directory) into the Unattend\XPPro\SP2\CMPNENTS folder
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Installing Hardware Media Software from the hardware vendor is needed to make the system fully functional Some of this software is provided by the hardware manufacturer Download latest drivers from the Internet Collect all of these required files in advance
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Install Sysprep and Windows PE 2004 Use Windows PE 2004 from Windows XP Service Pack 2 Copy the entire Windows PE 2004 CD content to Unattended\Source\WinPE15 directory
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Image Patching Alternatives Download and install part of the unattended build process -Benefits -Drawbacks Use System Update Services or SMS Benefits -Drawbacks Integrate into the Windows installation source before beginning the unattended build process. -Benefits -Drawbacks
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Patch During the Unattended Build Process Download the system updates from Microsoft Update Web site: Select all of the updates that will go into the build Copy the folders and their contents to the Master $OEM$\$OEM$\$1\Local\XP Hotfixes\SP2 folder of the build.
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Patching Windows Source Files Apply the procedure documented in Microsoft Knowledge Base article All post-Service Pack 2 Windows XP hot fixes can be integrated with the /integrate option. Determine which fixes can be integrated by /integrate option Obtain other Microsoft Critical Updates (Internet Explorer, DAC, Media Player, etc) Update Microsoft Software Components -MBSA -Microsoft XML Parser -...
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Configure Windows XP Firewall Statefull Firewall that comes with Windows XP Service Pack 2 Can be configured during the unattended installation The changes required can be made to the Netfw.inf file located in each Windows XP Service Pack 2 source directory’s i386 folder “Using the Windows Firewall INF File in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2” whitepaper 2f97-4e63-a581-bf25685b4c43&displaylang=en 2f97-4e63-a581-bf25685b4c43&displaylang=en
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Configuring the Computer Imaging System Configuration files All configuration information is saved in the following files: -General.xml. All configuration information (usernames, passwords, paths, etc.) not related to a specific build are stored in this file. -Builds.xml. Details about each build are stored in this file. -Actions.xml. All the commands that need to be executed during the image build process are defined in this file. Changes made in these files are automatically replicated to the appropriate files by Config.hta. Two additional files are also created as part of this process : -Settings.ini. This file contains the necessary information for connecting to the Unattend share for continuing the image build process. -Builds.opt. This file is used to display the drop-down list of image choices when booting from the Lab CD.
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Configuring the Computer Imaging System Configuration Panel
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Configuring the Computer Imaging System Builds Panel
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Configuring the Computer Imaging System Customization Panel
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Configuring the Computer Imaging System Deployment Panel
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Configuring the Computer Imaging System Actions Panel
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Configuring the Computer Imaging System Windows PE Panel
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Creating a Boot CD A WinPE CD is essentially a next generation boot disk. To create an ISO image that can be burned onto a CD-ROM At a CMD prompt, change into the C:\unattend\control directory Run the MakeWINPE.bat file
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Pre-Imaging Start Boot workstation to WinPE Auto-connect to build server Select OS to install Wipe and format the local hard disk Unattended install of base OS runs Windows completes & system logs on as local admin Customization scripts run Enterprise applications install Pre-imaging process complete Enter workstation name Select Image Mode (Sysprep, Capture OSD, Complete) System copies files to local hard disk If requested, Runs Sysprep or OSD Capture
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Selecting the Image Building Method Sysprep and third-party imaging tool SMS 2003 Image Capture Wizard Image Capture CD -As part of the SMS 2003 OS Deployment Feature Pack Image Capture Wizard CD -Captures to the WIM image file
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment Imaging Maintenance and Operations Updating images Adding operating systems and service packs Patch updating Adding hardware updates and drivers Adding core applications SMS 2003 packaging planning
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Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.