A Century of Warfare Mr. Sandford AP History
English Foreign Policy After colonial survival had been assured, the crown adjusted the English Foreign Policy. It’s new aim was to limit the expansion of French influence in North America. This “limit” would help GB in their aim of mercantilism. This new policy led to a dramatic changes to the North American history. They decided who controlled North America.
The four wars between the European powers in , looked like a single war to the colonists. By the end of the four conflicts, the colonists saw themselves as Americans not British. The “balance of power” was ended, which impacted all aspect of life in the colonies.
King William’s War Frontier attacks on the British colonies (Native Americans) GB took Annapolis Royal. The British were unable to take Quebec. Treaty of Ryswick (1697) was short-lived. King William
Queen Anne’s War This war corresponds to the War of Spanish Succession – in Europe. The French and the Native Americans raided (1704) Deerfield, Mass. Britain again failed to take Quebec. They were successful in taking areas in Maine. After the signing the treaty, GB obtained Nova Scotia. Queen Anne &q=Queen+Anne+Stuart
King George’s War A War broke out between GB and Spain, and shifted to a conflict against GB and France, the War for Austrian Succession. In Europe, many alliances existed between royal families and relatives. GB tried to take Caribbean property from Spain. New Englanders attacked Canada.
A group of New Englanders, supported by GB navy, captured Louisburg in This divided New France into two, securing their defeat in North America. Great Britain was loosing the war to France in other parts of the world and in the Peace Treaty, handed Louisburg back to the French. The colonists felt betrayed, weren’t they British?