Ewan Maddie David
Susquehannock Meaning People of the muddy river
Susquehannock Clothing Wolf skins were usually used for women clothing for gardening Bear furs were usually used as skirts and heavy clothing for men
Susquehannock Foods Corn, beans,and squash were usually grown in gardens Reptiles, mollusks, fish, birds,and mammals were hunted Wild plant foods, seeds, and nuts were usually gathered by women
Susquehannock Housing Long wooden buildings covered by bark or grass up to 64 or 80 feet long Known as longhouses
Susquehannock Tools Bows and arrows were used for hunting food Wooden clubs were used for protecting themselves and hunting Sharp sticks were used for battles
Susquehannock Arts and Crafts Palisades were used for protecting their villages Glass beads were used as jewlery for women
Something special They traded furs with the Dutch for money They also traded with the Huron and Erie tribes They were a very powerful tribe which is why thy were feared by other tribes They often fought with the Iroquis tribe In 1763 there were no more Susquehannock people from white men’s disease and inter tribal warfare