Last of the Tea Clippers The CUTTY SARK Last of the Tea Clippers
From Raw Materials…. The humble beginning of any ship model. Wood used varies from the familiar (pine, spruce, sycamore) to the exotic (cocobolo, lignum vitae, mahogany).
To a Completed Model This example was crafted by a group of professional modelers who have managed to identify a demand for custom built models and are satisfying it.
Progression - Framing All bulkheads are in place on the keel A central strengthening member has been added
Decking The actual deck planking will be applied in individual strips above this “sub-deck”
Hull Planking The hull planking is applied in 2 layers of wooden strips. The 1st layer is for structural strength, the 2nd is for “show”.
Previous Work The Canadian fishing schooner, “Bluenose” was my first attempt at wooden models, and is over 25 years old. She was a fast sailer and an annual favorite in the Int’l Fisherman’s Race held in the Maritime Provinces during the 1st half of the 20th century.