Remcom Inc. 315 S. Allen St., Suite 416 State College, PA USA Tel: Fax: © 2011 Remcom Inc. All rights reserved. Real Time
Remcom’s Wireless InSite Real-Time® Urban Propagation Calculations in Real Time… Suite of real-time models (first released commercially in 2008) Model Objectives o Reasonable fidelity o Simulations that are sensitive to urban geometry o Fast run times o Available from Wireless InSite’s graphical user interface o API that allows use within other tools
Motivation for Wireless InSite Real-Time ® Objective: Medium-Fidelity, Site-specific* : And Fast OR High-Fidelity (Site-specific)* : But Slow Generic Loss (not site-specific) : But Very Fast Before: (2 Options) *Includes impact of buildings on propagation
Why Site-Specific is Important Empirical models (e.g., Hata) Average loss based on data from many cities Effects of buildings ignored Loss essentially function of range Path Loss (dB) Transmitter Site-Specific (e.g. Full 3D Ray) Fields based on geometry and materials Obstructed paths suffer more loss o Examples: over, through, or around buildings Real-Time Site-Specific Model: Accounts for actual obstructions EMPIRICAL (Not site-specific): Path loss equal in all directions
Wireless InSite Real-Time ® Models –Fast Empirical Models: Very fast, general coverage estimates; no site-specific building geometry –Hata –COST-Hata –Walfisch-Ikegami –OPNET Path Attenuation Routine (OPAR) –Ray-Based Real-Time Models Very fast, site-specific, medium fidelity –Vertical Plane Urban Propagation (VPUP) –Triple Path Geodesic (TPG) –Wall Count –Output Path loss, path gain
How Real-Time Works: VPUP & TPG VPUP Considers propagation in vertical plane containing the transmitter and receiver Includes line of sight paths and paths diffracting over building tops Includes ground bounce effects TPG Includes line of sight paths, paths diffracting over building tops, clockwise and counter-clockwise paths in slant plane Includes ground bounce effects Receiver Transmitter Vertical Plane Path Slant Plane Paths
Chicago: Full 3D, Hata, and Triple Path Geodesic Full 3D Ray Model Results based entirely on urban geometry Run Time: 19h 55m Transmitter Path Loss (dB) Hata (Empirical) Results based on general city type (buildings ignored) Run Time: 15s Transmitter Real Time Model Results based entirely on urban geometry Run Time: 1m 31s (788 x speedup) Transmitter
Comparing Full 3D Model to Real-Time: Rosslyn Wireless InSite Full 3D Ray Model Wireless InSite Real-Time TPG Model Run time: 03:15:56Run time: 00:00:23 Transmitter Path Loss (dB)
Wall Count Indoor Propagation Model Run time: 30 minsRun time: 2 secs Wireless InSite Real-Time TPG Model Wireless InSite Full 3D Ray Model Path Loss (dB) Estimates indoor loss based on # walls penetrated
Sample Run-Time Comparisons Problem TypeExamples Calculation Time Speed- Up Real Time Model Full 3D Ray Model Outdoor Urban Chicago00:01:3119:54:55788 x Rosslyn00:00:2303:15:56511 x Ramadi00:00:2804:51:50625 x Milan00:01:2103:44:06166 x Indoor Propagation Office Building 00:00:0200:30:00900x Real-time model provides 2-3 orders of magnitude speedup
Moving Objects and Movies Simulate moving objects and dynamic shadowing Fast enough for motion pictures in reasonable time Convoy example Transmitter on lead vehicle 200 x 200 m, 1 m resolution (40,000 receiver points) Calculations ~40 sec per frame (1 msec per point-to-point) Example: Convoy Movie
Use of API within Another Product Example: Satellite Toolkit (STK) API allows use as DLL plug-in to other tools –Examples: AGI’s Satellite Toolkit Site-specific, physics-based path loss for urban environments Within STK, assess performance in context of entire mission –Time-based scenarios –Moving platforms, sensors, comms –Detailed graphics visualization Reproduced with permission from
Summary Wireless InSite Real-Time: urban path loss in near-real-time –Incorporates site-specific impact of local building geometry –Supports fast calculations (1msec per point-to-point) & dynamic motion Comparisons show good agreement with high-fidelity Full 3D Ray Model and measurements for many types of scenarios Conservative loss estimates in non-LOS regions in dense urban settings Model is continually evolving and improving Real Time API is easily integrated into other software tools Provides rapid-turnaround urban propagation loss capability Is well-suited for mission planning, communications or jamming applications