BER Long Term Measures As discussed at a previous BERAC meeting with Joel Parriott (OMB) and Bill Valdez (DOE/SC) BERAC is on the hook for evaluating BER’s interim progress toward achieving its long term performance goals. A written BERAC report is due to DOE/SC and OMB no later than early 2007 when the BER PART (Performance Assessment and Rating Tool) measures will next be updated. This evaluation will, in theory, impact FY08 budget decisions. These goals were revised based on BERAC input. BER has three long-term performance (and PART) goals for Life Sciences Climate Change Research Environmental Remediation Sciences Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy
BER Long Term Measures Life Sciences – By 2015, characterize the multi protein complexes (or lack thereof) involving a scientifically significant fraction of a microbe’s proteins. Develop computational models to direct the use and design of microbial communities to clean up waste, sequester carbon, or produce hydrogen. Climate Change Research – By 2015, deliver improved climate data and models for policy makers to determine safe levels of greenhouse gases. By 2013, reduce differences between observed temperature & model simulations at subcontinental scales using all available, validated data. Environmental Remediation – By 2015, provide sufficient scientific understanding to allow a significant fraction of DOE sites to incorporate coupled biological, chemical and physical processes for decision making for environmental remediation. ASCR - By 2015, demonstrate progress toward developing, through the Genomes to Life partnership with the Biological and Environmental Research program, the computational science capability to model a complete microbe and a simple microbial community. Expert Review every 3 years will rate progress as “Excellent”, “Good”, “Fair”, or “Poor” Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy
The Process Understand the BER research program/portfolio What process do you want to use to gain sufficient understanding? How do you want to organize yourselves to do this? Understand BER’s long term measures and annual measures (BERAC helped develop these together with BER and OMB) Are these measures reasonable and representative of the research programs recognizing that the intent is not to capture everything? If these are not reasonable then what new measures should be used? If not, why not? Did we not provide the expected funding? Did the science change? Write report (due to Orbach by February 2007) Evaluate BER progress toward long-term performance measures. This includes both actual progress and progress implied by the direction BER is going Use short and intermediate term milestones as a guide in assessing progress Specify ratings of excellent, good, fair, poor. Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy
Materials Provided Process Overview Annual Performance Targets FY 2003 – 2012 Long Term Measures & Annual Measures What does the measure (long term & annual) mean? Why is it important? Definitions of Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor (for long term) Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy