M Y F AVOURITE … TitlePage …Things To Do1 …Places In The World2 …Technologies3 …Animals4 …Singers & Songwriters5 …Actors6 …Movies7 …TV Shows8 Table of Contents
…P LACES I N T HE W ORLDP LACES I N T HE W ORLD New York France Italy Hawaii Greece Bahamas
…T HINGS T O D O Photography Skating Shopping Camping Baking Click for my Favourite Recipe
…T ECHNOLOGIES Laptop Portable DVD Player iPod Cell Phone Internet
…A NIMALS Dogs Horses Bears Tigers Dolphins
…S INGERS & S ONGWRITERS Taylor Swift Carrie Underwood Luke Bryan Jason Aldean
…A CTORS Jennifer Aniston Rachel McAdams Jim Carry Taylor Lautner
… MOVIES The Notebook I Am Number Four Life As We Know It Despicable Me Me, Myself and Irene
…TV SHOWS Desperate Housewives Friends That 70’s Show The O.C. Glee