Presented by Jeisyn Murphy, Bright Mind NLP and Consulting Group.


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Presentation transcript:

Presented by Jeisyn Murphy, Bright Mind NLP and Consulting Group

Personality Filters 101 Human behavior cannot be truly spontaneous. Our behaviors and emotions are a result of external and internal stimuli. Personality Filters let in and keep out stimuli according to a person’s personal history. External/Internal StimuliPersonality FiltersBehavioral/Emotional OutputEvaluation/Learning

The Power of Personality Filters Knowing Personality Filters can benefit you in many ways: Understanding

Motivation Filter Question to ask: "What is important to you in a job?" Listen to how they answer the question. For example, if they say, “Not ending up under a bridge and being poor!” that would be an Away motivated answer. This tells you how to talk to them to get them to do anything. Equally Toward and Away Toward Mostly Toward Away Mostly Away

Success Filter Question to ask: "How do you know when you're doing/have done a good job?” Internal: Everything must appear as if it is this person’s idea if they’re going to do it. Therefore their answer will sound something like, “I just know” or “It feels right” etc. External: These types need affirmation from someone outside of themselves. Usually their answer is, “My boss tells me” or “I ask others’ opinions.”

Decision Making Filter Question to ask: "What do you need in order to make a decision about a proposal?" OR "How do you know that a co- worker is good at their job? What tells you this?" Listen for words that reveal how the person is thinking such as, “I watch them over a period of time” or “If someone tells me....” This information reveals what you’ll provide this person in order to help them make a decision.

Convincer Filter Question to ask: "How many options do you need to consider before you can make a choice?" OR "How often does a co-worker have to demonstrate competence to you before you are convinced?" This is about the time it takes for a person to be convinced. Convincer Decide automatically Number of times Period of time Over time

Leadership Filter Question to ask: "Tell me about a project you’ve worked on with others.” Pay attention to how many “I” statements the person makes and notice whether or not they actively include others in the process. The more “I” statements the more “Self” they are. Self: This type notices information about himself/herself before others (if at all). They appear self-focused. Others: This type pays more attention to other people. They are candidates for burnout but make caring leaders. Leadership Self and Others Others only Self Only

Level Filter Question to ask: "If we were going to do a project together, would you want to know the details first or the big picture first?” This question is about how much information a person prefers to pay attention to, i.e. whether they are detail-oriented or big-picture thinkers. Level Specific Specific to General General General to Specific

Comparison Filter Question to ask: "What is the relationship between a Penny, a Quarter, and a Dime? OR "What is the relationship between what you're doing now and what you were doing this time last year?" Here you’re looking for whether a person likes sameness—doing the same things without change—or if someone prefers differences— always wanting change—and everything in between. If they talk about what is different (exclusively) then they are sameness only. If they exclusively talk about differences, then they are differences only. Listen for exceptions! Comparison Sameness Sameness w/Exceptions Differences Difference w/Exceptions

Response Filter Question to ask: "Tell me about a work situation that gave you trouble. How did you respond to it?" Their answer here reveals if they respond emotionally to situations or do they think through it.

Context, Context, Context! Personality Filters are not hard- wired! They change according to context and can be adapted to different situations. If you are not getting the results you want in a given context, consider getting a coach who knows about these filters to help you shift them. Bright Mind NLP and Consulting Group NLP