WHERE I WOULD CONSIDER APPLYING: Boys & Girls Club Boys & Girls Club Fred Meyer Fred Meyer Seattle Public Library Seattle Public Library 2/27/2014 VERSION TWO 2 -I would want to work here the most. I really enjoy being there because of all of the things they have besides books it’s really cool.
THERE ARE MANY REASONS I NEED A JOB, SOME OF THEM ARE: Like you said, if I can save a certain amount of money that you would match that when I get a car. But my 40$ a month is not enough to get a car by the time I finish driver Getting a job can lower many small, yet cumulative expenses over time and save you money, since you are also trying to save and pay off debts. This will give me an idea of what it is really going to be like when I get a real job. Even though it will take up even more time than dance already does, it will teach me how to manage a job and my dance career like I plan to do in the future. It will also give me a sense of accomplishment and ownership of the things that I buy with the money I worked for and the things I purchased with it. 2/27/2014 VERSION TWO 3
THREE SKILLS THAT PROVE I’M READY FOR A JOB I am mature, and can handle multiple responsibilities. I have a great work ethic and determination, so I can complete the task at hand. I truly want this experience, and want to prepare myself for the real world and I am taking the first step by initiating the idea of a job. 2/27/2014 VERSION TWO 4
BENEFICIAL AND NOT-SO-BENEFICIAL RESULTS OF HAVING A JOB: PROS It will teach me time management. It will save you money. It teach me how to save and manage my own money. It will give me a sense of ownership. It will prepare me for what a real job is like. It will prepare me for college if I decide to get a job while getting my degree. It will teach me to manage my responsibilities yet keep my composure. CONS But I won’t have almost any time for social events and activities. I may lose sleep from having to stay up to finish homework. I will be slightly more stressed than usual. It will be harder to commit to performances and extra classes. It may interfere will additional family time like birthday parties and “get togethers “etc. unless my boss is lenient. 2/27/2014 VERSION TWO 5
Wages Per Hour Hours Per Week $9.32$74.56$ $ $9.40$ $ $ $9.50$76.00$ $ /27/2014 VERSION TWO 6 PROJECTED EARNINGS PER WEEK
CONCLUSION As you can see, I have stated my traits and specialties that distinguish me as an individual, therefore making me stand out when it comes to hiring and applying for a job. These things show that I am very capable of managing a job and making my own money. I Hope you consider everything I have said today, and let me have a job! 2/27/2014 VERSION TWO 7