ADVERTISING Consider the following:
In the 21 st century advertisements are regarded as the most accomplished means of communication that we have.
Hugh Mackay – social researcher The first law of effective advertising is not what the advertising does to the consumer, but what the consumer does to the advertising.
Market researchers shouldn’t believe advertising is like a ‘magic bullet’ into consumers’ minds because the power is not in the message, but in the way a consumer interprets it.
In contemporary Australia the mind of the consumer is characterised by insecurity – social trends such as changing family life, cultural identity (globalisation, multiculturalism), the information revolution, vastly widening gap between the rich and the poor, ever-decreasing income in the middle, job insecurity.
These social trends have combined to bring about a retreat into the home, with a preference for the simple and trusted elements of life and ‘black and white’ solutions to issues.
Brands have to help consumers lift their spirits by being something to which they could relate and feel comfortable.
“In the end, the most effective advertising is advertising that makes me feel better about myself,” he said. “That’s always been true, but in a bleak climate it is more true than ever.” (1998)