Kind Friends Have Decked the Christmas Tree Words: Anonymous, 1869 Music: A. Kriesmann
Kind friends have decked the Christmas tree, With lights and tokens gay; Sweet peace and hope and liberty Make glad all hearts today. And standing 'neath the glittering boughs, With mingled voice we sing, "O Father, hear our loving vows, Who givest every thing.
"Our life, our joys, each pleasant home, Our gifts, each token fair; From Heaven alone all blessings come, And love is reigning there. O Father, shine within our hearts, With trust, and not in fear! We long to find the better part; Speak, Father: we would hear!"
We sing around the Christmas tree; The Christ Child bends above; O'er all the glittering things we see, He seems to whisper, "Love." Ring out, O voices, clear and free, Wake all the quiet air; Ring out in joyous melody, For gladness is a prayer.