LARP AC Dipole Task Deliverable –Current hardware design: FNAL approach Resonant pulsed kicker 20 kwatt power amplifier to achieve the field –For future:


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Presentation transcript:

LARP AC Dipole Task Deliverable –Current hardware design: FNAL approach Resonant pulsed kicker 20 kwatt power amplifier to achieve the field –For future: BNL approach High Q magnet with tunable circuitry machine(GeV)RHIC(250)Tev (150)Tev (980)LHC(7000) f rev [kHz] ν, 1-ν , , 0.7 f m [kHz] (Bρ) [Tm] ,30023,000 σ [mm] B m L [Gm] (4σ)

LARP AC Dipole Task Deliverable –Software AC dipole control application –FNAL Accelerator physics application –linear optics measurements/corrections –Non-linear resonance driving term

RHIC AC Dipole Status Requires two more ac –Magnet specs: Amplitude of the field: 100 Gauss-m Frequency range: –Explore the switched capacitor technique for continuous tuning (P. Oddo(BNL)) Binary switched capacitor scheme Peter is testing single capacitor scheme for which a biased voltage is applied to the capacitor to adjust the capacitance

Linear optics measurement and corrections Analyze the RHIC 2007 optics data –Dedicate optics data sets taken with single quadrupole error. –Currently, the RHIC beta function and phase advance measurements by ac dipole are calculated by fitting the 1024 turns of TBT data with

RHIC ac dipole optics data – 2007 baseline

RHIC ac dipole optics data – 2007 bo8-tq5=0.005

RHIC ac dipole optics data – 2007 difference

Plan for AP Re-analyze the RHIC 2007 optics data –Need to add the term of (1-Qacd) to the fitting to take into account the effect of the driven oscillation at (1- Qacd) which can be significant when betatron tune gets closer to 0.5 according to R. Miyamoto(FNAL)

Analytic Expression of the Driven Oscillation νdνd ν 01 1-νd1-νd δ From R. Miyamoto (FNAL)

Measured β ACDDO β up [m] β down [m] 34.0 For RHIC and LHC, the effect can be as large as 6% From R. Miyamoto (FNAL)