Chapter 1: Intro to Social Psychology Part 2: Fri. Jan. 16, 2015
Social Psychology and Values Our values influence our research. –Our choice of research topics –Our observations of people: –What are we primed to see & hear? Michael Shermer’s TED talk – examples…
Where is most social psych research done? –Influence on theory building? Leadership theories across cultures - Haidt study of social psychologists’ political views –How might liberalism / conservatism affect choice of research topic? What type of research gets published? Application – video on American approach to healing after trauma (Ethan Watters’ book “Crazy Like Us”) –Limitations / assumptions about PTSD?
Research Methods Importance of scientific method –Advantages of standardization –Use of theories & predictions (hypotheses) –What are theories? –Some results appear counterintuitive How to increase voter turnout? Research Process – develop ideas, test them, interpret results
Sampling issues – –Sample generalize to population –How is a random sample defined? Why is it best? How can we draw a random sample? –What is random assignment to groups? Why is this important?