Civil Contingencies Act Enhancement Programme (CCAEP) Civil Contingencies Secretariat March 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Civil Contingencies Act Enhancement Programme (CCAEP) Civil Contingencies Secretariat March 2010

Objectives of this presentation…  Background to change  Buncefield Outcomes  Progress to date  CCAEP Structure and timetable for delivery

11 December 2005 – “The Bed Shook”

Buncefield Report and CCA Buncefield Investigation was a major driver for change. CCA Enhancement Programme to look at outcomes from this and Pitt Review.

Buncefield Recommendations 1.Communicating with the Public. (R9 & 20). 2.National Guidance on Off Site Emergency Planning (R14,15). 3.Off Site Emergency Provisions (R17,18,19) 4.Mutual Aid and National Inventory (R23, 24) 5.Information on Assessing Environmental Harm (R32)

Communicating With the Public Competent Authority should review COMAH guidance to assist operators and should work with Cabinet Office to integrate COMAH guidance and Communicating with the Public so that communications regarding COMAH sites are developed jointly by the site operator and local emergency responders. LRF’s and devolved equivalents should assess and advise: operators, LA’s and CA on the effectiveness of communications with residents, local businesses, duty holders and the wider community in the event of a major incident.

National Guidance on Off Site Emergency Planning CCS working with the Competent Authority should arrange for national guidance to Local Authorities to be prepared… Guidance should also address competencies required for emergency planners, and be clear on resources that may be demanded for effective planning function. Local Authorities should review their off site response plans with input from trained/competent planners, work in conjunction with neighbouring local authorities in planning and exercising.

Off Site Recommendations Local authority should ensure their off site emergency plans give due considerations to meeting welfare needs of responders on all shifts. Plans should include guidance on rest breaks and provision of accommodation for responders from outside of the local area. Plans should make provision for the contribution of the volunteer community in attending major incidents in welfare and other supporting roles.

Off Site Provisions Continued Local authorities should ensure their revised off site emergency arrangements for COMAH sites are tested. CCS and Competent Authority should compile exercise scenarios based on real incidents. Category 1 responders to ensure their staff are trained Local Authority should arrange for councillors/elected members to have awareness training in emergency planning.

Mutual Aid Operators of industrial sites with risks of large explosions or complicated fires should put in place national industry fire service mutual aid arrangements. Fire and Rescue Authorities and devolved equivalents should review availability of materials/equipment nationally and determine if they are sufficient to respond to and manage major incidents.

Information on Assessing Mutual Harm The Environment Agency should complete as soon as possible its review of methodologies for assessing potential harm to the environment.

What are the Outcomes? Updated Emergency Response and Recovery Guidance Published in August Emergency Response and Recovery

Expectations and Indicators of Good Practice Set (Operational Capabilities) published June The Fit With Other Legislation Draft Guidance. Consultation finished 26 February. Formalising links with COMAH planning and CCA. Specific mention of the Working Time Directive and needs of personnel supporting the response. Looks at risk assessments, society risk and communicating with the public.

Occupational Standards National Occupational Standards for Civil Contingencies developed in conjunction with Ministry of Justice and Emergency Planning Society

Short Guide To Local Authority Mutual Aid published December Re-write of Chapter 3 Emergency Preparedness Information Sharing. Consultation closed on 26 February Civil Contingencies Act Enhancement Programme

CCA Enhancement Programme Looking at potential policy options for the Government of the day. Projects under spotlight include: Communicating With the Public Encouraging Community Resilience Strengthening Recovery Responders and responder categories Looking at CNI

Considerations before using EP Before using the Enhancement Programme, it is necessary to confirm that a change in legislation is really necessary. New Burden! Reducing Legislation! Better Government Working!

Timescales April 2010Consultations and policy development May 2010Phase Two recommendations to go to Cross Government Steering Group June 2010Recommendations to Ministers Autumn 2010Full Consultations with Stakeholders

CCA Timeline

Contacts for further information:    Tel: , 5055 or 5017