Robotic Navigation Distance Control Platform By: Scott Sendra Advisors: Dr. Donald R. Schertz Dr. Aleksander Malinowski December 9, 2003
Overview Objective Objective Functional Description Functional Description System Block Diagrams System Block Diagrams Preliminary Lab Work Preliminary Lab Work Equipment/Part List Equipment/Part List Schedule of Tasks Schedule of Tasks
Objective Design and Build a Robotic Platform Design and Build a Robotic Platform Maintain a fixed safety distanceMaintain a fixed safety distance Fixed steeringFixed steering If time Permits If time Permits Steering ControlSteering Control Maintain specified safety time distanceMaintain specified safety time distance
Functional Description Modes of Operation Modes of Operation System I/O System I/O System Diagrams System Diagrams
Modes of Operation Fixed Navigation Mode User enters User or Auto Out of Range ModesUser enters User or Auto Out of Range Modes User enters fixed safety distance in feetUser enters fixed safety distance in feet User presses activation buttonUser presses activation button Time Navigation Mode User enters safety time in secondsUser enters safety time in seconds
Modes of Operation User Out of Range Mode Followed object is out of rangeFollowed object is out of range Robotic platform stopsRobotic platform stops “Out of Range” displayed on LCD“Out of Range” displayed on LCD User reactivates navigation controlsUser reactivates navigation controls Clears LCD displayClears LCD display Auto Out of Range Mode EMAC reactivates navigation controls when object detectedEMAC reactivates navigation controls when object detected
Modes of Operation Stop/Start Mode User is able to start/stop navigation mode manuallyUser is able to start/stop navigation mode manually
System Inputs to EMAC User Input Keypad Sensors Input Photoelectric or ultrasonic sensors 1 sensor for distance control1 sensor for distance control 2 sensors for steering control2 sensors for steering control EMAC Microcontroller Left Navigation Sensor Right Navigation Sensor Distance Control Sensor Robotic Platfor m Motor Robotic Platfor m Steering LCD Display Keypad (User Input)
System Outputs from EMAC LCD Display LCD Display Current mode of operationCurrent mode of operation User required input informationUser required input information Robotic Platform Motor Robotic Platform Motor Robotic Platform Steering Robotic Platform Steering EMAC Microcontroller Left Navigation Sensor Right Navigation Sensor Distance Control Sensor Robotic Platfor m Motor Robotic Platfor m Steering LCD Display Keypad (User Input)
System Sensor Diagram Robotic Platform (R/C Car) Left Sensor Distance Sensor Right Sensor Moving Object (Similar size to robotic platform)
Block Diagram Hardware Subsystem FunctionSubsystem Function I/O of SubsystemI/O of SubsystemSoftware Modes of Operation FlowchartsModes of Operation Flowcharts
Sensor Subsystem Photoelectric or Ultrasonic Pulse Sensor Photoelectric or Ultrasonic Pulse Sensor Sensor Output Signals Sensor Output Signals Output signal related to distanceOutput signal related to distance Analog, digital or PWMAnalog, digital or PWM
Electric Motor Subsystem Input signal PWM signal from 0.6 ms to 2.0 ms positive pulse width at 50 HzPWM signal from 0.6 ms to 2.0 ms positive pulse width at 50 Hz Output speed Motor’s shaft speed variesMotor’s shaft speed varies Full forward speed with 2.0 ms pulse widthFull forward speed with 2.0 ms pulse width Stop with 0.6 ms pulse widthStop with 0.6 ms pulse width
Steering Subsystem Input signal PWM signal from 1.1 ms to 1.9 ms positive pulse width at 50 Hz with 1.5 ms as neutralPWM signal from 1.1 ms to 1.9 ms positive pulse width at 50 Hz with 1.5 ms as neutralOutput Rotational servo horn to translational movement of steering rodRotational servo horn to translational movement of steering rod
Hardware Subsystem Block Diagram Robotic Platform Steering Subsystem PWM Signal Translates Steering Rod EMAC Microcontroller Left Navigation Sensor Subsystem Analog or Digital or PWM Signal Photoelectric or Ultrasonic Pulse Right Navigation Sensor Subsystem Analog or Digital or PWM Signal Photoelectric or Ultrasonic Pulse Robotic Platform Motor Subsyste m PWM Signal Power to Drive Wheels on R/C Car Distance Control Sensor Subsystem Analog or Digital or PWM Signal Photoelectric or Ultrasonic Pulse
Main Software Flowchart Display Prompt: User/Auto Out of Range Mode Keypad: User Enters Out of Range Mode EMAC Initialization LCD Initialization Keypad Initialization Display Prompt: Fixed/Time Navigation Mode Keypad: User Enters Navigation Mode Keypad: User enters fixed distance or safety time
Main Software Flowchart Keypad: Activation Button Fixed Distance Control Steering Control Safety Time Control Check if signal from sensor Enter User/Auto Out of Range Mode No Yes Check navigation mode entered Fixed Navigation Mode entered Time Navigation Mode entered
User/Auto Flowchart User/Auto Out of Range Mode Display: User/Auto Out of Range Mode User Out of Range Mode Auto Out of Range Mode Stop Electric Motor Auto: Wait until object is detected Wait: User Reactive Navigation Controls Call Fixed/Time Navigation Mode Display: Clear display
Start/Stop Flowchart Stop Electric Motor Keypad: User Presses Stop Button Keypad: User Presses Start Button Call Fixed/Time Navigation Mode
Preliminary Lab Work Full understand of servo input signals required with 1.5 ms at 50 Hz being neutral Full understand of servo input signals required with 1.5 ms at 50 Hz being neutral Rooster ESC reprogrammed Rooster ESC reprogrammed Normally: 0.85 ms full reverse Normally: 0.85 ms full reverse 1.85 ms full forward 1.85 ms full forward Reprogrammed :0.60 ms stop Reprogrammed :0.60 ms stop 2.0 ms full forward
Equipment and Parts List Hitec HS-303 Servo Hitec HS-303 Servo Kyosho Hoppin Mad RTR R/C Car Kyosho Hoppin Mad RTR R/C Car Team Novak Rooster electronic speed controller Team Novak Rooster electronic speed controller HP 8011A Pulse Generator HP 8011A Pulse Generator Photoelectric or ultrasonic pulse sensors Photoelectric or ultrasonic pulse sensors Onboard EMAC Microcontroller Onboard EMAC Microcontroller
Schedule of Tasks 12/22 – 1/27Determine sensors 1/28 – 2/03 Motor and servo subsystem coding, debugging and testing 2/04 – 2/10 Stop/Start Mode software coding, debugging and testing 2/11 – 2/17 2/18 – 2/24User input software code, debugging and testing 2/25 – 3/02 3/03 – 3/09Sensor characteristic and output signals 3/10 – 3/16Hardware interfacing and installation 3/17 – 3/23 3/24 – 3/30 3/31 – 4/06 4/07 – 4/13 4/14 – 4/20 4/21 – 4/27 4/28 – 5/04Finish project, presentation, project report Fixed navigation mode software code, debugging and testing User/Auto Out of Range mode software code, debugging and testing