5/9 CP Biology OA: SWBAT: CLASSWORK: HOMEWORK: Draw a diagram of the Human Cardiovascular system. Why does your blood circulate through your body? CLASSWORK: Powerpoint and Videos on the Heart and Cardiovascular systems. HOMEWORK: Study for MCAS.
5/9 Honors Biology OA: SWBAT: CLASSWORK: HOMEWORK: Draw a diagram of the Human Cardiovascular system. Why does your blood circulate through your body? CLASSWORK: Powerpoint and Videos on the Heart and Cardiovascular systems. HOMEWORK: Study for MCAS
The Cardio-vascular System, aka the Circulatory System http://www.hybridmedicalanimation.com/ work/animation/hybrid-interactive-heart/ http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/ Diseases/hhw/hhw_pumping.html
Hemoglobin O O O O 2 2 2 2 Green groups are the HEME (Fe) groups, Where O2 binds. O 2 O 2
Vasculature and their Sizes
Videos of the Heart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgI80Ue-AMo watch?v=D3ZDJgFDdk0&feature=related
To the BODY To the LUNGS From the LUNGS Superior And Inferior Vena Cava Pulmonary Vein RIGHT ATRIUM LEFT ATRIUM Aorta LEFT VENTRICLE RIGHT VENTRICLE Pulmonary Artery From the BODY LEFT RIGHT
5/10 Honors Biology OA: SWBAT: CLASSWORK: HOMEWORK: Describe the role of the Cardiovascular system and how it interacts with the Respiratory system. Quiz: Label the heart diagram. CLASSWORK: Add the Respiratory system and then describe the flow of blood through both.- -videos of blood flow through both systems. HOMEWORK: p.871, #1-5 p881, #1-4
5/10 CP Biology OA: SWBAT: CLASSWORK: HOMEWORK: Describe the role of the Cardiovascular system and how it interacts with the Respiratory system. Draw the vessels in the cardiovascular system.. CLASSWORK: Examine the heart upclose. Describe the movement of blood throught the body. Add the Respiratory system and then describe the flow of blood through both.- -videos of blood flow through both systems. HOMEWORK: p.871, #1-5 p881, #1-4
To the BODY To the LUNGS From the LUNGS From the BODY LEFT RIGHT
Quiz: label the following on the diagram: Aorta Pulmonary Artery Pulmonary Vein Vena Cava Put an X on any vessels with poorly Oxygenated blood (low O2) Left Atrium Right Atrium Left Ventricle Right Ventricle Put a Z on any vessels with high O2 content.
Respiratory System
Respiratory System http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwXvqSqAgKc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkRcdfmHqqI Show Lung Model
5/12 CP Biology OA: SWBAT: CLASSWORK: HOMEWORK: Describe the role of the Cardiovascular system and how it interacts with the Respiratory system. Quiz on the heart CLASSWORK: Examine the heart upclose. Describe the movement of blood throught the body. Add the Respiratory system and then describe the flow of blood through both.- -videos of blood flow through both systems. HOMEWORK: p.871, #1-5 p881, #1-4
5/12 Honors Biology OA: SWBAT: CLASSWORK: HOMEWORK: Describe how a muscle works. What diseases of the cardiovascular system can you think of? Have any questions for me about them ready. CLASSWORK: Discuss the various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Lab: Measure BP before and after exercise. HOMEWORK: Lab write-up
Cardio Lab Measure your blood pressure—sitting and standing. Why did we measure both standing and sitting? Run or do jumping jacks for 30 seconds. (vigorously!!) Measure your standing BP again. What is the difference from the resting pressure? Why did it change?
Muscle Flexor Extender
Muscle Contraction on the Molecular Level http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V-zFVnFkWg&NR=1 Muscle Contraction on the Molecular Level http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRxsOMenNQM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWPmUqRZYls&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWP1u7rRJS8&feature=related
3 types of Muscle
Lymphatic System: moves extra-cellular fluid back to the Cardiovascular System.