Circulatory System Unit 6
Objectives Describe the structure and function of the human _________ Trace the flow of blood through the ______ and _________ Distinguish between ________, _________ and _____________ in terms of their structure and function. Distinguish between __________ circulation and ______________ circulation Heart, heart and body, arteries, veins, capillaries, pulmonary, systematic
The Heart The circulatory system is made up of the _____________system and the lymphatic system. The cardiovascular system is made up of the _____________, _____________ and ____________________________. Cardiovascular, the heart, blood and blood vessels
The Heart The _________ is the central organ of the cardiovascular system. heart
The Heart Some of the important parts of the heart include: ________________ The septum, atrium and ventricles
The Heart: The Septum Septum: separates the heart _________ into two sides. Vertically
The Heart: The Atrium The Atrium: is the _______chamber of the heart The Right Atrium: receives ________ blood that is __________ to the heart Upper, deoxygenated, returning
The Heart: The Ventricle The Ventricle: is the ___________chamber of the heart The Right Ventricle: pumps __________ blood ______ of the heart. Lower, deoxygenated, out
The Heart: Valves The valves are flaps of ________ that control the flow of the _______ They prevent _________ flow in the _______ Tissue, fluid, backward, veins
Diagram of the Heart Ventricle Atrium Septum Aorta Pulmonary Arteries Pulmonary Vein Superior and Inferior Vena Cava SMART BOARD ACT Worksheet for Homework
Diagram of the Heart
Circulation of the Heart Blood flows in the following order ___________ __________ _______________ _______________ _____________ (gas exchange) _______________ ________________ ______________ Rest of the __________ Right atrium (D) Right ventricle(D) Pulmonary arteries(D) Lungs Left Ventricle (O) Aorta (O) Body(O) WORKSHEET
Circulation of the Heart: The Right Atrium Path of blood as it circulates through the heart: _____________ blood enters the _______ _________ The right atrium sends ___________ blood into the ____________ _____________ Deoxygenated, right atrium deoxygenated right ventricle
Circulation of the Heart: The Right Ventricle The muscles of the ________ __________ contract and force blood into the _________________ ___________ Right Ventricle, pulmonary arteries
Circulation of the Heart: The Lungs The ___________ artery sends blood to the _________ In the lungs: _____________diffuses out of the blood ___________diffuses in Pulmonary artery, Lungs, carbon dioxide, oxygen
Circulation of the Heart: The Left Ventricle The muscular walls of the ________ _________contract and force blood into a large blood vessel, called the ________ The Aorta: carries blood from the _____ ventricle to the rest of the __________ Left ventricle, aorta, body
Flow Chart of Blood Flow
The Heartbeat The heart contracts its muscle cells in __________ The first group of heart-muscle _________ The second group of hear muscles cells ______ Waves, contracts, relaxes Regular: Irregular:
Control of the Heartbeat A heartbeat has _____ phases: Phase One: _________ Phase Two: _________ Two, Systole, Diastole
Control of the Heartbeat: Phase One Phase One, or _________ : occurs when the ventricles ___________. This then pumps blood _____ of the heart Systole, contract, out Mention, not responsible Squeezing balloons filled with water in a beaker???
Control of the Heartbeat: Phase Phase two , or _________ and occurs when the ventricles ________. This This allows the _______ pressure of the blood. Diastole, relax, back Mention, not responsible
Control of the Heartbeat The contractions in the ______ __________forces blood through the _______ A series of pressure waves results, called a _________ Left ventricle, arteries, pulse TAKING PULSE ACTIVITY (cardio work, where can you take your pulse??) -LAB
Blood Vessels The circulatory system is known as a _________system. This is because the blood is contained within either the ____________ or __________ __________at all times. Blood Vessels include: _______________ _____________ ________________ Closed, heart, blood vessels, arteries, veins and capillaries
Blood Vessels The blood vessels that are part of the human circulatory system form a vast network to help keep the blood flowing in _____ direction. One Remember veins have valves
Arteries The large, muscular vessels that carry blood _______ from the heart and to the body are called _________ Away, arteries
Blood Vessels As the heart moves the blood through the __________, it produces a great force against the inside walls of a blood vessel. This force is known as ______________ Arteries, blood pressure
Blood Pressure High blood pressure, or ___________, can place a strain on the walls of the arteries and could cause that artery to __________ or __________ Hypertension, clog, burst
Arteries and Blood Pressure Blood Pressure is determined by measuring: _________ pressure __________pressure Systolic pressure, measured ______, is the pressure of the blood when the ventricles ___________ Diastolic pressure, measured _______ indicates the steady flow of blood through the _________ Systolic, diastolic, first, contract, second, artery ANY ACTIVITY WITH BLOOD PRESSURE??
Veins After cells interact with the blood, the blood goes back to the ________ Veins: blood vessels that carry blood ______ the heart. Heart, to
Arteries Arteries and veins are both made up of _________ layer Yet, they have different appearances for their differing functions 4, Lumen, Endothelium, smooth muscle, connective tissue
Capillaries Capillaries: the __________ of the all the blood vessels, only _______ cell thick, carries blood: Connecting the ___________ and __________ The capillaries are a vast network of tiny vessels that allow an exchange between the _________ and the _______ to occur. The capillaries allow for the exchange of __________ and __________ Capillaries, tiny, blood and cells
Blood Vessels Pictures Worksheet Veins: Blood flows to the heart Arteries: Blood flows away from the heart 3 parts of each (Draw) Purpose of capillaries
Cardiovascular System and its Two Subsystems The heart and blood vessels work together to form a continuous, ________ system of circulation. This system contains two subsystems: ___________circulation ____________circulation. Closed Pulmonary Systemic
Pulmonary Circulation Pulmonary circulation is the circulation of the blood as it travels between the _______ and _________ Pulmonary circulation brings the _____________blood that comes into the heart to the ________, and returns __________ blood back to the heart for distribution to the _________ Flow of blood: __________ →______________→____________ Heart, lungs, deoxygenated, lungs, oxygenated, body HEART LUNG HEART
Systemic Circulation Systemic circulation is the circulation of the blood between the heart and all other ________ tissues. Systemic circulation has several subsystems: __________ circulation (related to the heart) __________circulation (related to the liver) ___________ circulation (related to kidneys) Body, coronary, hepatic, renal Not responsible
Circulatory Path: A Review
Circulatory Path: A Review Flow Chart from this diagram or fill in the blank!!!!
Blood: Objectives List the _________ of blood. Distinguish between ____ blood cells, ______ blood cells, and __________ in terms of their structure and function. Summarize the process of blood ________ Explain what determines the compatibility of blood _______ for transfusion. Components, red, while, platelets, clotting, types
Composition of Blood Blood is composed of: Liquid (____%): _______ Blood solids (___%): _______ blood cells _______blood cells ________________ 60, Plasma, 40, red, white, platelets
Composition of Blood: Plasma Plasma: is _______ ______-colored fluid ____ percent water Also includes: _______________, waste, salts and proteins Plasma provides cells with nourishment and carries various __________ Sticky, straw, 90%, nutrients Nourishment, proteins
Red Blood Cells A red blood cell is: A _______-shaped cell has no _________ Transports __________ to cells in all parts of the body. Immature red blood cells make large amounts of an iron-containing protein called ____________. Hemoglobin: the molecule that transports __________ Disc, nucleus, oxygen, hemoglobin, oxygen
White Blood Cells White blood cells are cells in the blood that destroy __________, ________, and _________ proteins and helps the body develop _______________. Bacteria, viruses, toxic, immunties (real video)
White Blood Cells Types of white blood cells: ________________ Phagocytes: cells that _________ and _________ foreign matter or microorganisms. Antibodies: are _________ that react to a specific type of _____________ or destroy ______________ Phagocytes, antibodies Engulf, digest, Proteins, invader, toxins
Platelets Platelets: are essential to the formation of a _________ _________ Blood Clots: are a mass of interwoven ______ and blood cells. They are essential to ____________ Platelets: ________ a nucleus Not _______ cells ____________ at the damaged site Blood clot, healing, lack, whole, Fibrin forms scabbing Composition of Blood worksheet
Blood Types ______ blood cells are used to determine a person’s blood type. The most important human blood types are: ___ ____ Red, proteins, antigens, A, B, ABO also Rh pos and neg
Blood Types: The A-B-O System If blood of a different type is introduced into the body it will be treated as a foreign _________ Antigens, invader Importance of blood typing for transfusions
A-B-O Blood Types Activity Universal Donor, Universal Receiver Randomly Assign Blood types to students Blood Pressure Activity Diagram of Heart Tee Blood Typing Activity (Read) Overall Worksheet