Zambia Parliamentarian Presentation By Hon Munji Habeenzu Building North-South Partnership in Development: Strengthening Cooperation among Members of Parliaments, Civil Servants and NGOs to Promote Global Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights 13 th -16 April, 2010 Finland
SRH SITUATION IN ZAMBIA 36% of households have orphans or foster children under 18 years 10% women plus 17% men have completed secondary school Total fertility rate 6.2% children in urban and 7.5 rural MMR – 591 per 100,000 LBD 16% women and 12% of men have had sex by 15 years 27% of married women have unmet need of FP More than ¼ of 15-19yr have already begun child bearing. HIV prevalence 14%
Challenges Infrastructure- inadequate delivery and ANC space Inadequate equipment Inadequate human resource Long tender process- delay in EmONC equipment procurement Poor M&E systems in place Endless stock outs of commodities due to poor LMIs at user level
COUNTRY RESPONSE AND POLICIES National SRH Policy National Population Policy National HIV/AIDS Policy National Gender Policy National Family Planning Guideline National HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework Fifth National Development Plan National Youth SRH/HIV Training Standards National comprehensive Abortion Care Guidelines
IMPLEMENTING MAPUTO PLAN OF ACTION Zambia is currently Implementing the MPoA as a continental policy framework for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Zambia is currently Implementing the MPoA as a continental policy framework for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights MPoA was agreed upon by Health Ministers to help African Nations to: MPoA was agreed upon by Health Ministers to help African Nations to: Reduce poverty levels Achieve the MDGs Reduces maternal mortality, combat HIV/AIDS and, Reduce infant and child mortality And was endorsed by African Union heads of state in January 2007 And was endorsed by African Union heads of state in January 2007
Maputo Plan of Action addresses Reproductive health rights and challenges faced by Africa Increased resource allocation to health Mainstreaming Gender issues into socio- economic development Improvement of SRH commodity security Placement of SRH as top 6 priorities of the health sector
Key Achievements National Reproductive health policy developed with emphasis on integration at all levels MNCH partnership formed Number of policies and guidelines developed Integration of services of HIV/STI, Malaria, FP, SRH
Key Achievements Introduction of Safe Motherhood Action Groups (SMAGs)-41/72 so far Sensitisation of families on Birth preparedness, danger signs and importance of institutional deliveries RH policy addresses integration of youth friendly services Capacity building in health workers (Southern Province) Youth peer educators trained RH commodity security committee formed Separate budget line for RH commodities Logistics management and forecasting done Increased funding for procurement of FP commodities
CAMPAIGN TO ACCELERATE REDUCTION OF MATERNAL MOTALITY IN AFRICA CARMMA To raise awareness among the Zambian people on maternal mortality and how it can be prevented To raise the profile of Maternal Mortality in order to enhance political leadership and commitment at national levels to accelerate reduction of maternal mortality To identify national champions and work with them to leverage resources from stakeholders including local and international. To promote and strengthen policy and programmatic environment to accelerate achieving MDG 4 & 5.
OPPORTUNITIES TO ENHANCE SRH IN ZAMBIA Political will and commitment Dialogue with legislator involveement of the health committeeat MOH Increased local funding to health Dialogue with traditional and National leaders
CONCLUSION Universal access to reproductive health services is critical for the achievement of MDG5 and essential to the other MDGs. Universal access to reproductive health services is critical for the achievement of MDG5 and essential to the other MDGs. The Maputo Plan of Action is the vehicle in Africa for their attainment. It is time to refocus our efforts on ensuring its success. CSO have an important role to play and in order to attain MPoA, we need to align our plans and programs to the needs and Priorities of the MPoA.