Kingdom Protista Spring 2012
Kingdom Characteristics Domain: Eukarya, so they are Eukaryotes Unicellular or Multicellular Autotrophic or Heterotrophic May or May Not Have a Cell Wall – usually cellulose. Diatoms – Cell Wall Made of Silicon.
Division of the Kingdom Fungus – Like Protists Animal – Like Protists (Protozoans) Plant – Like Protists (Algae) 1 Flap for Each Section
Plant-Like Protists (Algae) All contain chlorophyll Classified Based on Color and structure Mode of Nutrition: Autotrophs Unicellular or Multicellular Separated into 6 Different Phylum
Phylum Euglenophyta 2 Flagella - Live in Ponds Unicellular No Cell Wall Autotrophs Heterotrophs - when sun is not available Unique characteristics Red Eye Spot
Phylum Bacillariophyta - Diatoms Unicellular- Live in ponds Autotrophs Cell Walls of silicon Most abundant organisms on earth Phytoplankton
Phylum Pyrrophyta - Dinoflagellates ½ Autotrophs and ½ Heterotrophs 2 Flagella – Can spin Unicellular Can be luminescent – “fire plants” Cause of Red Tide Produce neurotoxins Kills marine life “Algal Blooms” Live in Ocean
Phylum Rhodophyta – The Red Algae Mostly Multicellular Ocean Environment Chlorophyll A & Red Pigments Live at Great Depths (Absorb Blue Light) Used in ice cream & pudding Culture media for plates Important to coral formation
Phylum Chlorophyta – The Green Algae Ancestor to Modern Plants Uni or Multicellular Contain Chlorophyll A and B Cellulose in Cell Wall Used in cosmetics, paints, and food Major Source of fish food and oxygen- live in ocean Ex. Volvox and Ulva
Animal-Like Protists (Protozoans) Cell Structure: No Cell Wall Mode of nutrition heterotrophs Unicellular Classification: Move and Feeding Separated into 4 Different Phylum
Phylum Sarcodina - Sarcodines Amoeboid Movement - move and eat using pseudopods (False Foot) Free living Heterotrophs - Food Vacuole Ex. amoeba Endocytosis - #2
Phylum Ciliophora - Ciliates Move and eat using cilia – short hairlike projections, similar to flagella Mostly freeliving – not parasitic Ex. Paramecium and Stentor Important Characteristic: Contractile Vacuole Paramecium Reproduction: Asexually or Conjugation
Phylum Zoomastigina - Zooflagellates Move using a flagella May be free living or parasitic Ex of parasites: Trypanosoma – Causes African Sleeping Sickness Trichonympha – In digestive system of termites Giardia – Amebic Dysentery
Phylum Sporozoa - Sporozoans Don’t move on their own and are parasitic Ex. Plasmodium – Causes Malaria Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
Fungus-Like Protists Heterotrophs – decomposers Unlike true fungus lack chitin in their cell wall Damp, Moist Environments Reproduce by spores (asexual reproduction) May also be sexual - (Alternation of Generations)
Phylum Acrasiomycota Cellular Slime Mold Have Cell Membranes Unicellular but colonize
Phylum Myxomycota Acellular Slime Mold (Unicellular or Plasmodial) Fuse together = Larger structure w/ multiple nuclei Sexual & Asexual Reproduction
Phylum Oomycetes Water Molds Unicellular Cell Wall of Cellulose Thrive in water (Spores can move) Plant parasites on land Caused Potato Famine Phytophthora infestans
Key Questions What is the key characteristic all protists share? What are the three categories of protists? How are plant-like and animal-like classified? Which causes malaria? Which causes algal blooms? Which is the ancestor to modern plants? Which lives at great depths due to its ability to absord blue light? Which is responsible for the great potato famine? Sexual reproduction by paramecium is called ___________. What is the purpose of a contractile vacuole in the paramecium?