Crime and Punishment, Part VI & Epilogue: “our present story is ended …”
Raskolnikov struggling with three spheres of influence: Raskolnikov struggling with three spheres of influence: Sonia, Svidrigailov, & Porfiry (pp. 436, 441) Order to be addressed: 1. Porfiry (Ch. 2) 2. Svidrigailov (Ch. 3) 3. Sonia (Ch. 8)
Raskolnikov vs. Porfiry III Suspicion (“Evidence”): Pledges at pawnbrokers, fainting at police station, article in journal, conversation with Zametov, laughter at Porfiry’s, bell-ringing Nikolay’s “motive” for confession? SUFFERING (pp. 449-450)) Rask: “If you consider me guilty, then why don’t you take me to prison?” Porfiry: “To arrest you so directly is not in my interest” (452) “I consider I owe you an explanation” (452) “direct and open proposition … that you should surrender and confess” (452)
"Both Svidrigailov and Porfiry, the two watchers of Raskolnikov, observe at different times with an apparent inconsequence that what he needs most is fresh air. The Christian interpretation of this imagery would appear at first to be quite straightforward: existential freedom is really not freedom but servitude." - A.D. Nuttall
Porfiry’s Advice: confess, suffer, “live” “FRESH AIR” (455) (echoes Svid, p. 435 … has Svid been to see Porfiry?) FREEDOM SIBERIA (Ironically & paradoxically!) LIFE! “STALE AIR” “FREEDOM” CONFINEMENT PETERSBURG/RASK’S ROOM “SUFFOCATION” (p. 441) “THE SQUARE YARD OF SPACE”
Raskolnikov vs. Svidrigailov II Svidrigailov & Women: Svidrigailov as a “sensualist” (pp. 465): entirely physical, sensual; lust/“vice”/depravity/debauchery Svidrigailov and … Maids (“open marriage” with Marfa Petrovna – recall Lebeziatnikov!) 14-yr-old deaf & dumb niece of M. Resslich (suicide) 16-yr-old “betrothed” 13-yr-old dancer (w/ mother at the “can-can”) Katerina Ivanovna’s children?? 5-yr-old girl in dream!? (pp. 503-4) Svidrigailov claims Raskolnikov may not be the “extraordinary man” he thinks he is (480, 485-6) … Is Svidrigailov therefore Raskolnikov’s “extraordinary man”?
Svidrigailov vs. Dounia Svid’s offer: “I’ll help Rask escape to America, if …” “Why is this door locked. We came in at that door and now it is locked. When did you manage to lock it?” (488) Svidrigailov’s diabolical plan? (489) Dounia pulls out revolver: miss, misfire, throws gun Why doesn’t she shoot him? Why does Svidrigailov think she doesn’t shoot him? Why does he let her go? Why does he tell her to “make haste”? (pp. 492)
Svidrigailov vs. Himself Why does he do it?? Things to think about: Rainstorm Giving away money Dreams (14-yr-old corpse, 5-yr-old “harlot”) Raskolnikov’s theory Interaction w/ Dounia “America”? (see p. 494)
Raskolnikov & His Family Following Svidrigailov episode (“Love Transcends All”), we see two examples of unconditional love: Pulcheria (mother) & Dounia (sister) Since Raskolnikov refrained from committing suicide, Dounia believes he still has “faith in life,” but again he reverts to the fact that he failed, rather than that he was wrong (512-513). That is, he still does not regret or repent for his crime; rather, he regrets his weakness and the fact that he was not the right person to do it In short, Raskolnikov is consumed by pride – wounded pride, but pride nonetheless!
“Bow down to the people, kiss the earth …” Svidrigailov’s suicide: “Raskolnikov felt as though something had fallen on him and was stifling him” (525) Sonia = path to redemption, but …
EPILOGUE Chapter I Chapter II ISSUES TO CONSIDER: External/Objective (facts) Rask from others’ perspectives Concerned with plot, characters Chapter II Internal/Subjective (feelings) Rask from his perspective Concerned with theme ISSUES TO CONSIDER: Raskolnikov’s apocalyptic dream (539) Redemption, renewal, rebirth (541-542) Why TWO chapters? Is epilogue necessary? Are form, style, & content consistent with rest of novel?