Investing for Your Future Subtitle
Why Should I Start Investing NOW You have time for your money to grow Establish the habit of saving Risk vs Reward - Why do most young people have more Risk Tolerance than older people
Types of Investments Stocks Mutual Funds Bonds CD’s Savings Accounts Real Estate Others???
History of the Stock Market When was the Stock Market started? Historic Returns over the years Bull and Bear Markets
Stocks = Equity How to research Stocks – Financial Webpages (Yahoo Finance) What is a IPO Hire a Broker to advise you – Commissions? How to read Stock information? What is a P/E Ratio and what does it mean? Dividends? Stock Splits?
Mutual Funds “Don’t put all your Eggs in One Basket” Offers Diversification Types of Mutual Funds
Bonds You are the LENDER When and why Bonds may be a good investment option Types of Bonds/ Bond Ratings
Retirement Accounts What is the difference between a ROTH IRA and a Traditional IRA Tax consequences When can I take Money out of an IRA with paying a penalty How can I contribute to a 401K or 403B
Rule of 72: A Quick way to figure how long it will take to double your money Why should you Invest? Any Questions?