Box A The Remarkable Giant Nerve Cells of a Squid neuro3e-box-02-a-0.jpg
Box 3A The voltage clamp method 2
3.1 Current flow across an axon membrane during a voltage clamp experiment. (Part 1) neuro3e-fig-03-01-1.jpg
3.1 Current flow across an axon membrane during a voltage clamp experiment. (Part 2) neuro3e-fig-03-01-2.jpg
3.2 Current produced by membrane depolarizations to several different potentials. neuro3e-fig-03-02-0.jpg
3.3 Relationship between current amplitude and membrane potential. neuro3e-fig-03-03-0.jpg
3.4 Dependence of the early inward current on sodium. neuro3e-fig-03-04-0.jpg
Figure 3.5 Pharmacological separation of Na+ and K+ currents into sodium and potassium components
3.6 Membrane conductance changes are time- and voltage-dependent. neuro3e-fig-03-06-0.jpg
3.7 Depolarization increases Na+ and K+ conductances of the squid giant axon. neuro3e-fig-03-07-0.jpg
3.8 Mathematical reconstruction of the action potential. (Part 1) neuro3e-fig-03-08-1.jpg
3.10 Passive current flow in an axon. (Part 1) neuro3e-fig-03-10-1.jpg
3.10 Passive current flow in an axon. (Part 2) neuro3e-fig-03-10-2.jpg
3.11 Propagation of an action potential. neuro3e-fig-03-11-0.jpg
3.12 Action potential conduction requires both active and passive current flow. (Part 1) neuro3e-fig-03-12-1.jpg
3.12 Action potential conduction requires both active and passive current flow. (Part 2) neuro3e-fig-03-12-2.jpg
3. 13 Saltatory action potential conduction along a myelinated axon 3.13 Saltatory action potential conduction along a myelinated axon. (Part 1) neuro3e-fig-03-13-1.jpg
3. 13 Saltatory action potential conduction along a myelinated axon 3.13 Saltatory action potential conduction along a myelinated axon. (Part 2) neuro3e-fig-03-13-2.jpg
3.14 Speed of action potential conduction in unmyelinated and myelinated axons. (Part 1) neuro3e-fig-03-14-1.jpg
3.14 Speed of action potential conduction in unmyelinated and myelinated axons. (Part 2) neuro3e-fig-03-14-2.jpg
3.14 Speed of action potential conduction in unmyelinated and myelinated axons. (Part 3) neuro3e-fig-03-14-3.jpg
Box C Passive Membrane Properties (Part 1) Vx=voltage at distance x V0=voltage change at point of current injection l=axon length constant, distance from the site of current injection to where it is 1/e (about 37%)of V0 neuro3e-box-03-c-1.jpg
Box C Passive Membrane Properties (2) t= time t=membrane time constant where Vt declines to 1/e or 37% of V∞ t= time t=membrane time constant where Vt rises to1-1/e or 63% of V∞ neuro3e-box-03-c-2.jpg