NASA Space Weather Resources O. C. St. Cyr Heliophysics Science Division Code 670 NASA-GSFC Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 301-286-2575.


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Presentation transcript:

NASA Space Weather Resources O. C. St. Cyr Heliophysics Science Division Code 670 NASA-GSFC Greenbelt, Maryland St.Cyr NASA SWxWG-CCMC ILWS Preparing Our Agency Internally for the Next Solar Maximum

Inter-Agency Committee for Space Weather

NASA-internal Space Weather Working Group Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) Space Weather Desk for Robotic Fleet iSWA (Barbara Thompson’s talk) Inside NASA

4 Office of the Chief Engineer conducted a study beginning March 2008 –It was motivated by an LWS Radiation Working Group report (2005) and a Radiation Study Team report conducted by PA&E (2006) –Stakeholder inventory across Agency Directorates Research, Engineering, Operations, and Policy NASA-internal Space Weather Working Group There are research, engineering, and operational activities relevant to the space environment across 2-of-3 Agency Mission Directorates (SMD & HEOMD), and all three Technical Authorities (OCE, OSMA, OCHMO) Beginning Spring 2010, we have initiated WG telecons to introduce capabilities and begin coordinating requirements and resources across the Agency

Stakeholders in Radiation and Space Weather at NASA (Research-1) [SMD] Heliophysics Division –NASA’s most significant contribution to space weather is an extensive research program to understand fundamental physics of the space environment –Several of the Heliophysics space missions supply near-real-time measurements (beacons) ACE, STEREO, SDO, SOHO (past), IMAGE (past), RBSP (future) –[GSFC, MSFC, JPL] Space weather- related researchers –GSFC Space Weather Laboratory Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) is a multi-agency partnership to enable, support, and perform research and development of physics-based models

Stakeholders in Radiation and Space Weather at NASA (Research-2) [HEOMD] Space Radiation Program Element of Human Research Program –Major focus of the SRPE is basic and fundamental research to expand the knowledge base and reduce the uncertainty inherent in current radiation exposure limits and design requirements

Stakeholders in Radiation and Space Weather at NASA (Engineering) [SMD/HEOMD] Space Environmental Effects Engineers –Provide design expertise, parts selection, and testing at the Centers [SMD] Space Environment Testbed Project (SET) –Living With a Star Program in Heliophysics (Oct 2012 LRD) [OSMA] NASA Electronics Parts and Packaging Program

Stakeholders in Radiation and Space Weather at NASA (Operations-1) [HEOMD] Space Radiation Analysis Group (SRAG) at JSC –Responsible for ensuring that astronauts’ radiation exposure remains below established safety limits [HEOMD] Expendable Launch Vehicles KSC and VAFB [HEOMD] Operators of the Space Communications Fleet TDRSS infrastructure fleet at GEO

Stakeholders in Radiation and Space Weather at NASA (Operations-2) [SMD] Operators of the Scientific Space Fleet –>70 operating/45 in development throughout the solar system –Robotic spacecraft control centers widely-distributed –[GSFC] Space Weather Desk for robotic mission operators [SMD] Operators of the Scientific Air Fleet SOFIA High flier piloted aircraft Remotely controlled UAV fleet

Community Coordinated Modeling Center

CCMC Facilitate Community Research Address National Space Weather Needs CCMC Goals..through partnering with the international modeling community

“A US multi-agency partnership to enable, support, and perform the research and development for next generation space science and space weather models” Background: Community Coordinated Modeling Center Initial CCMC Funding

CCMC Facts -Supported by NASA and NSF -13 individuals -Largest assembly of Space Weather/science models anywhere, models provided by international research community -In operation since More than 3500 major model runs executed for science community -Tailored science analysis interfaces, also used for SWx -Evaluating and testing models -Partnering with entities nationally and abroad

Fok RC Fok RB LFM GUMICS SWMF / GM+IM+IE OpenGGCM CTIP Weimer AbbyNormal USU-GAIM Corona Heliosphere ENLIL Heliospheric Tomography WSA SWMF-IH SWMF-SC Magnetosphere-Ionosphere MAS PFSS Models Hosted by CCMC Coronal Magnetograms Solar/SW Monitors Complex numerical models, running on CCMC supercomputers, unique breadth

Space Weather Desk for NASA’s Robotic Fleet A Service Based on Innovative Technology and Forefront Science

Background 2007 NASA HQ requested development of a “space weather desk” –To support anomaly resolution with the robotic fleet –Initiate collaboration with Space Radiation Analysis Group (SRAG) at JSC –To begin development of system of displays and tools 2008 NASA HQ OCE requested expanded support for information dissemination for the robotic fleet –Led to the development of iSWA 2009 a workshop was convened to focus on space weather requirements for the Robotic Fleet operators March 2010, Space Weather Desk began issuing alerts/warnings and weekly reports to the robotic fleet operators

SWx Service Functional Diagram Space Weather Desk NASA, other, data streams State-of-the- art SWx CCMC JSC NASA robotic mission ops GSFC -Space System Protection Office -Space Environmental Effects Group TDRSS

SWx Service Level -8-5/7+, activity-dependent -Regular weekly updates of SWx activity across solar system -Space weather alerts as needed by activity level -Long lead time forecasts as well as situational updates -Automated CME recognition, alerts

SWx Desk Example Alert

Summary NASA provides much of the real-time space weather data through the scientific research fleet An active effort is underway to better coordinate space weather-related resources and requirements within the Agency Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) is a resource available to the scientific and forecasting communities GSFC Space Weather Desk for NASA’s Robotic Fleet is a resource for operations communities