Update on Satellite Observations Chris Velden University of Wisconsin -- CIMSS Current Status Future Geostationary Satellites Future Polar Satellites AMVs GPM Constellation The 8 th meeting of the WMO Data Assimilation and Observing System (DAOS) Working Group Beijing, China, th October 2015
Current Status Operational geostationary satellites USA: GOES-13 (East), -15 (West), -14 (spare) Europe: METEOSAT-10 (0 Deg.) & -7 (Indian Ocean) & -9 (R/S), & -8 super R/S at 2.5 min intervals for limited periods. MSG-4 (Meteosat-11): under commissioning, will be put in in-orbit storage for 2 years, -8 may be moved to 40°E to provide continuation of Indian Ocean coverage ~end of India: Kalpana & INSAT-3A & -3D China: FY-2E & -2F & -2G Korea: COMS Russia: Electro-N1 (WV channel kaput) Japan: MTSAT-2 & Himawari-8
Operational polar satellites USA: Suomi-NPP ATMS, CrIS Europe: METOP-A/B IASI, AMSU-A/MHS, GRAS Japan: GCOM-W1 AMSR-2 China: FY-3B & -3C: New MW channels at 118GHz on -3C India/France: Megha-Tropiques SAPHIR, SCARAB, MADRAS India/Italy: Oceansat-2 OCM, ROSA, OSCAT Russia: Meteor-M N2 CRIS-like, MHS-like ASCAT and RapidScat: scatterometer-derived ocean surface winds Cosmic constellation: GPS-RO bending angles (4 of 6 sats still operating) GPM constellation -- TRMM replacement Current Status
Near-Future Geostationary Satellites Europe: Meteosat Third Generation Imager/ Sounder Launch in 2019/21, six satellites in two series (4+2), 3 axis stabilised High spectral IR Sounder (IRS): and cm channel VIS+IR Imager (FCI): 10min scan, 1-2km fov Lightning Imager (LI) UVNS: Sounder for atmospheric chemistry (Sentinel-4) FCI and LI on imaging platforms (4); IRS and UVNS on sounder platforms (2) USA: GOES-R Series -R launch slipped to late 2016 (West), -S launch in 2018 (East) Advanced Imager (ABI) Lightning Mapper Space Weather instrument suite for more detailshttp:// Japan: Himawari-8 becoming operational now (with ABI instruments), -9 launch in 2016 China: FY-4 series (IR Sounder, MW Sounder): launches Korea: COMS-Next (~2018) India: INSAT-3DR (2016) Russia: Electro N2: Expected launch Dec 2015
Near-Future Polar Satellites Europe: Aeolus Doppler wind lidar ‘launch-ready’ in Second Generation polar orbiter system approved. USA: JPSS-1 (2Q 2017) launch in PM orbit. China: FY-3D (2015), FY-3E (2017), FY-3F (2019) Japan: GCOM-C (2016) Russia: Meteor-M N2-1 & N2-2 (2016) India: ScatSat-1 (2016), Oceansat-3 (2018) COSMIC-2: GPS-RO (6 low-inclination satellites approved, high- inclination awaiting funding from US side)
Geostationary AMVs NESDIS: GOES E & W; hourly dissemination EUMETSAT: Meteosat-10 & -7 (hourly); -9 (3 R/S datasets per hour, limited area) JMA: MTSAT-2 (until March 2016), & Himawari-8; Hourly, and R/S AMVs expected in 2016 focused around Japan and selected typhoons IMD: INSAT-3D; every 30 mins., now available on GTS CMA: FY-2E & -2G AMVs available on GTS (6-hourly) UW-CIMSS/SSEC: Reprocessing of GOES AMVs (back to 1995) using updated NESDIS algorithm; Delivery in 2016 for use in global NWP re-analyses
Polar AMVs Product Suite MODIS Aqua and Terra Direct broadcast (DB) at –McMurdo, Antarctica (Terra, Aqua) –Sodankylä, Finland (Terra) –Casey, Antarctica (coming soon) EW AVHRR Global Area Coverage (GAC) for NOAA- 15, -18, -19 Metop-A, -B HRPT (High Resolution Picture Transmission = direct readout) at –Barrow, Alaska, NOAA-18, -19 –Rothera, Antarctica, NOAA-18, -19 Historical GAC winds, Two satellites throughout most of the time series. Operational LEO-GEO Combination of many geostationary and polar-orbiting imagers Fills the degree latitude AMV gap Quasi-operational (CIMSS) EW VIIRS S-NPP (GOES-R AMV algorithm) Direct broadcast at Fairbanks and Sodankylä (heritage AMV algorithm) Davis, Antarctica (under development) Notes: “Operational” means NESDIS product disseminated via GTS or EUMETCAST. MODIS AMVs at Tromsø, Norway (DB) were discontinued in September 2015 after a hardware (computer) failure. MODIS AMVs at Fairbanks, AK were discontinued in 2014 and replaced by VIIRS AMVs. Operational
GPM Constellation Concept GPM Core Observatory (NASA/JAXA ) - DPR (Ku & Ka band) - GMI ( GHz) Suomi NPP (NASA/NOAA) MetOp B/C (EUMETSAT) JPSS-1 (NOAA) DMSP F17/F18/F19/F20 (USA0DOD) GCOM-W1 (JAXA) NOAA 18/19 (NOAA) Megha-Tropiques (CNES/ISRO) Next-Generation Unified Global Precipitation Products Using GPM Core Observatory as Reference Precipitation rates everywhere in the world every three hours 8 TRMM (NASA/JAXA)
9 Page The GPM Core Observatory satellite was successfully launched on February 27th, The following data from the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) and Dual-frequency Precipitation radar (DPR) are freely available through the NASA's Precipitation Processing System at – GMI Level 1 Brightness Temperatures, including GMI instrument swath data. – GMI Level 2 Precipitation Rate data, including precipitation rates estimated using the Goddard Profiling algorithm (GPROF14); available as swath data. – DPR Level 2 precipitation rate data are available via PPS and JAXA. This includes three-dimensional swath data from the DPR Ka and Ku band radars. - The DPR-GMI Level 2 combined product. – NASA’s Level 3 Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG). This gridded product has a resolution of 0.1 degrees and is updated every 30 minutes from 60 ⁰ N-60 ⁰ S.