Lent calendar Feb Sunday 13 Feb Saturday 12 Feb Friday 11 Feb Thursday 10 Feb Wednesday 15 Feb Monday 21 Feb Sunday 20 Feb Saturday 19 Feb Friday 18 Feb Thursday 17 Feb Wednesda y 16 Feb Tuesday 22 Feb Monday 28 Feb Sunday 26 Feb Friday 25 Feb Thursday 24 Feb Wednesda y 23 Feb Tuesday 29 Feb Monday 6 Mar Sunday 5 Mar Saturday 4 Mar Friday 3 Mar Thursday 2 Mar Wednesda y 1 Mar Tuesday 7 Mar Monday 13 Mar Sunday 12 Mar Saturday 11 Mar Friday 10 Mar Thursday 9 Mar Wednesda y 8 Mar Tuesday 14 Mar Monday 20 Mar Sunday 19 Mar Saturday 18 Mar Friday 17 Mar Thursday 16 Mar Wednesda y 15 Mar Tuesday 21 Mar Monday 27 Mar Sunday 26 Mar Saturday 25 Mar Friday 24 Mar Thursday 23 Mar Wednesda y 22 Mar Tuesday 27 Feb Saturday
Reflect As Lent begins, we remember how Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. While Jesus was in the desert he had hardly any food to eat or water to drink. There are many people around the world who do not have clean water to drink, or water to wash with and keep themselves clean. Throughout Lent, and in this Year of Mercy, we will remember our neighbours around the world. Wednesday 10 February Ash Wednesday Click here for our Ash Wednesday liturgy.
Give Everyone has the right to clean water. But not everyone has it. Every pound you give this Lent will be matched by the UK government. Thursday 11 February Click here to find out how you can Make a Splash! with CAFOD this Lent, and make a difference to the lives of children around the world.
Act In this Year of Mercy, we remember that giving drink to the thirsty is one of the Acts of Mercy. Check out CAFOD’s blog every Friday to see how others around the world are taking action in the Year of Mercy. Friday 12 February Watch our film to see how clean water helps children like Guti in Uganda.
Give Start asking friends and family to help you Make a Splash! this Lent, so that girls like Guti can have clean water and go to school. Saturday 13 February
Reflect Gospel reading: Luke 4:1-13 What does the Gospel reading teach us today? Sunday 14 February First Sunday of Lent
Act Water is essential for life. Monday 15 February Click here to watch our animation and find out more about water and why it is so important.
Pray “I was thirsty and you gave me a drink” Matthew 25:35 This Lent, we remember that giving drink to the thirsty is one of the Acts of Mercy. Pray for those around the world who do not have enough water to drink. Tuesday 16 February
Act Tell someone at home how clean water can help girls like Guti go to school. Wednesday 17 February Click here to watch Guti’s film again.
Act Save water today – turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. What else can you do? Thursday 18 February
Act Eat simply today and put any money you save towards your Lent collection. Friday 19 February Lent Fast Day Check out CAFOD’s latest blog to see how others around the world are taking action in the Year of Mercy.
Pray Say a prayer for children around the world who do not have access to safe, clean water. Saturday 20 February
Reflect Gospel reading: Luke 9:28-36 What does the Gospel reading teach us today? Sunday 21 February Second Sunday of Lent
Act Add a droplet to your school’s Make a Splash! poster. Write a Lenten promise or a message to Guti about why you are making a splash this Lent. Monday 22 February
Pray Light a candle and pray for Guti and the people of Uganda today. Tuesday 23 February
Act Imagine life without taps! Play our water game. Wednesday 24 February Click here to download the game. Invite a CAFOD volunteer in to school to play the game with you.
Give Make a Splash! by holding a sponge throwing fundraiser, or another activity of your choice. Remember to save any water for your school veggie patch. Thursday 25 February
Act What action will you take to show kindness to others? Friday 26 February Check out CAFOD’s latest blog to see how others around the world are taking action in the Year of Mercy.
Act List all the ways we can use water sensibly over the next week. Saturday 27 February
Reflect Gospel reading: Luke 13:1-9 What does the Gospel reading teach us today? Sunday 28 February Third Sunday of Lent
Act Find out more about Fairtrade. Explain to someone at home what you have learnt about Fairtrade. Ask your family to but one Fairtrade product this week. Monday 29 February Fairtrade fortnight begins Click here find out more about Fairtrade on Picture my World
Act Pope Francis has written a letter to every person in the world, asking us all to protect our common home – the earth. In this letter, Pope Francis reminds us that water is a basic human right. Tuesday 1 March Click here to watch our Laudato Si’ animation and find out more about the pope’s letter.
Pray Write your own prayer about caring for our common home. Use the words from the Laudato Si’ animation to help you. Wednesday 2 March Click here for the script.
Give Spend a penny! Put a collection box at the entrance of the toilets. Remember 1 in 3 people who do not have access to toilets around the world. Thursday 3 March
Act What action will you take to show kindness to others? Friday 4 March Check out CAFOD’s latest blog to see how others around the world are taking action in the Year of Mercy.
Act Help out with some jobs at home, without being asked. Saturday 5 March
Reflect Gospel reading: Luke 15:1-3, What does the Gospel reading teach us today? It’s Mother’s Day – do something nice for your mum or other special women today. Sunday 6 March Fourth Sunday or Lent
Act Our Lent story this year focuses on a school in Uganda, where Guti goes. Monday 7 March Click here to find out more about Uganda in our fact file. Complete the Uganda activity sheet.
Reflect God calls us to work together to look after our world, and share what we have so that everyone has what they need. Building a better world is not just about having more money; it is about respecting yourself and others, and becoming the best person you can be. Tuesday 8 March
Act Fairtrade fortnight ends on Sunday. Have you bought any Fairtrade Easter eggs yet? Wednesday 9 March
Give Splash for cash! Do a sponsored swim or another event today to raise money, to support girls like Guti to have clean water, and go to school. Thursday 10 March
Act What action will you take to show kindness to others? Friday 11 March Check out CAFOD’s latest blog to see how others around the world are taking action in the Year of Mercy.
Pray Think of the different ways we use water. Say a prayer of thanks that we have water to do all of these things with. Saturday 12 March
Reflect Gospel reading: John 8:1-11 What does the Gospel reading teach us today? Sunday 13 March Fifth Sunday or Lent
Act Count the number of taps at your home or school. Imagine what life would be like without these taps. Write a message on a water droplet to explain why you are making a splash this Lent. Take it home and stick it on your bathroom door. Monday 14 March
Act Water is a human right. This means it is something that every person should have or be able to do. Find out what other rights everyone should have – look at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. In this Year of Mercy, let’s remember the rights of refugees around the world, and think about the how we can show love and mercy this Lent. Tuesday 15 March
Reflect “I have come so that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10:10 Say these words together and spend some time today reflecting on them. Light a candle and play some quiet music. Wednesday 16 March
Give Make a river of coins – put foil down and bring in silver coins to Make a Splash! with CAFOD this Lent. Thursday 17 March St Patrick’s Day
Act What action will you take to show kindness to others? Friday 18 March Check out CAFOD’s latest blog to see how others around the world are taking action in the Year of Mercy.
Act Using Guti’s story, think about the different ways that water brings life. Make signs for the taps at school that read “Free, safe drinking water”. Saturday 19 March
Reflect Gospel reading: Luke 19:28-40 What does the Gospel reading teach us today? Sunday 20 March Palm Sunday
Give Decide as a class or school, when to bring in all the money you have raised to Make a Splash! this Lent. Remember to mark it ‘Lent 16’ and return it before July, to be matched by the UK government. Monday 21 March
Act About 1 in 10 people do not have safe, clean water. Tell others what you have done to Make a Splash! this Lent, so that girls like Guti can have clean water and go to school. Tuesday 22 March World Water Day
Act Cut out water droplets from scrap paper, and write thank you messages on them for the people who sponsored you or gave money to help Make a Splash! this Lent. Wednesday 23 March
Reflect Today, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet at the Last Supper. Think about how you can serve others. Thursday 24 March Holy Thursday
Pray Say a prayer today for children who have to carry water for miles for their families. Friday 25 March Good Friday Remember to check out CAFOD’s latest blog to see how others around the world are taking action in the Year of Mercy.
Act Make Easter cards for your family and friends. Saturday 26 March Holy Saturday Click here to download Easter card templates to colour in.
Happy Easter. Alleluia. Sunday 27 March Easter Sunday Photo credits: Ben White, Riccardo Gangale Illustrations: Per Karlen