Childcare Mckim et al., 1999 Studied effects of childcare on attachment Participants: Families with infants between 2 and 30 months Visited homes 2-3 weeks prior to out of home child care and then followed for 6 months. 4 types of child care: Parent-care Centre care Licensed family home care Independent home care
Hypotheses: 1.Child care (early, extensive, unstable, low quality) would increase insecure attachments 2.Child care variables would interact with child and family variables
Measures: Maternal/Family measures Income Employment preference Maternal depression Maternal health Maternal separation anxiety Parent Stress Maternal sensitivity
Child Measures Sex, birth order, age Child reactivity Temperament Child health Child distress Night-walking Attachment security Care Measures Quality, Stability, Extent, Age of entry
Main Findings: Infants in out of home care were just as securely attached as those at home with mothers Maternal sensitivity and child temperament predicted attachment security Working mothers who would rather be home were more depressed and their children had more unstable care Those whose employment was congruent with their preference were the least depressed
Main Findings: Age of entry and type, stability, or quality of care were not related to attachment Infants with less sensitive mothers were less securely attached Infants with difficult temperaments were also less securely attached, but out of home care buffered against this
Broberg et al., 1997 Swedish study on the effects of child care on cognitive abilities of 8 year olds. 146 children (aged 16 months) who were part of a longitudinal study who had not been in out of home child care –54 entered a child care centre and 33 family day care Cognitive abilities were measured at 8 years of age among the 123 children who remained
Early measures of cognitive ability were the best predictor of cognitive ability at 8 years Those who had spent more time in a day care centre before 40 months had higher cognitive scores Good quality out of home care has positive effects on cognitive development