READING March 26, 2012
Return midterms View video and do some reflection/group work Discuss Critical Thinking, Blooms Taxonomy Move into reading discussions (as time permits)
Create a journal writing as to why you think that it is important to study and understand Bloom’s Taxonomy. – It should be minimum of the equivalent of one page, double spaced. – Create three test questions (T/F or multiple choice) on the information in Chapter 6. – It will be read only by me.
Listen to the video – (5 minutes) If you were going to ask someone about it, what questions would you ask? – (10 minutes) Answer those questions in your group – Share with the class
When reading, if you examine the author’s evidence and form a conclusion based on the evidence you will be thinking critically. Critical thinking takes time – don’t make snap judgments!
Reading is not an activity you can do on autopilot. You need to: Actively question the author’s words Think about the ideas behind the words Add your own thoughts into the mix Make decisions or solve problems based on the understanding you have formed.
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a hierarchy used to discuss and explore critical thinking. The hierarchy has six levels arranged according to complexity. The lowest level is the least complex, and the highest level is the most complex.
Create your own version of an expressionist work that evokes strong emotional responses. Create Assess the painting as an expressionist piece as well as decide if it’s appealing. Evaluate Explain what medium Munch used and how he used color, line, and distortion. Analyze Demonstrate how this painting represents expressionist work and show it is consistent with Munch’s other works. Apply Explain what you know about the artist, style, and period of the painting. Describe the painting. Understand Recognize the work entitled The Scream. Recall it is an expressionist work by Edvard Munch. Remember
The ability to recall and repeat basic information that answers the questions who what when where why how Example Verbs identify list reproduce define
The ability to explain the ideas in a reading selection using your own words. Example Verbs paraphrase conclude match exemplify
The ability to use information in a new situation or solve problems with it. Example Verbs diagram demonstrate solve illustrate
The ability to read a selection and analyze its parts and how they relate to one another. Example Verbs diagram demonstrate solve illustrate
The ability to decide what value the information has or make a choice based on it. Example Verbs assess rank critique justify
The ability to use information to draw a conclusion or come up with your own ideas. Example Verbs develop design adapt imagine
Hierarchy is he arrangement or classification of ideas or things, usually in a vertical structure. Hierarchy can also be arranged from general to specific. The fist four levels of critical thinking enable you to recognize and understand an author’s hierarchy.
Articles Title Heading Subheading Bullet Paragraphs Topic Main idea Major details Minor details
Corporation Board CEO Vice-President General Manager U.S. Government President Vice President Speaker President pro tempore Senate
1. Identify the critical thinking verb 2. Decide what level of thinking is called for – Multiple choice questions can range from Level 2 to Level 5.
Work in pairs for this activity. Test questions from a computer science class appear on the following slides. For each question: 1. Identify the critical thinking verb 2. Decide what level of critical thinking is called for